
Didactic approaches for teachers of English in an international context
Didactic approaches for teachers of English in an international context

In Didactic Approaches for Teachers of English in an Internacional Context, the editors have selected articles that provide an overview of the current methodology of integrated language and culture instruction, with the understanding that the English language is completely embedded within a broader cultural framework. The papers further define this topic into creative inter-cultural approaches to teaching, including: content-based instruction in English through CLIL, holistic language-learning for children, the parallel development of linguistic and cultural competence, and a study of language structures and discourse.

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Search and research
Search and research

Descripción / Resumen (Inglés): The present volume represents a compilation of international teacher education practice and research with a focus on Teacher Education for Contemporary Contexts. It draws upon the diverse educational perspectives, teaching procedures, knowledge, and situated contexts where the discipline takes shape. 

The sections of this book comprise research papers accepted for presentation during the 18th International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) Biennial Conference that will take place from July 3rd to July 7th in Salamanca, Spain. Around 300 delegates from 57 countries across the globe and a large Scientific Committee of 80 colleagues have contributed academically and …

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Current trends in anglophone studies:
Current trends in anglophone studies:

La publicación de este volumen representa un caso relativamente insólito. Un pequeño grupo de jóvenes investigadores de menos de treinta años convence a un grupo mucho más numeroso de la misma edad para celebrar en Salamanca la First Conference of Young Researchers on Anglophone Studies. El resultado es deslumbrante. No solo demuestran una gran capacidad organizativa, sino que los resultados individuales de las aportaciones científicas son sobresalientes. Este volumen, Current Trends in Anglophone Studies, recoge una selección revisada de las propuestas presentadas en el Encuentro y gira en torno a una estructuración tripartita clásica: estudios culturales, lingüísticos y literarios. En …

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Instituciones polÌticas, comportamientos sociales y atraso econÛmico en EspaÒa (1580-2000)
Instituciones polÌticas, comportamientos sociales y atraso econÛmico en EspaÒa (1580-2000)

Este libro quiere ser un homenaje a la memoria de Ángel García Sanz (Fuentelcésped [Burgos], 1946 - Segovia, 2014). La generosidad intelectual y el compromiso con su tierra seguramente sean los dos rasgos que mejor lo definen como académico. Licenciado en Filosofía y Letras por la Universidad de Salamanca (donde sería profesor interino en 1989-1991 de la naciente Facultad de Economía y Empresa) se doctoró en Historia por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid en 1973 con la tesis Desarrollo y crisis del Antiguo Régimen en Castilla la Vieja. Economía y sociedad en tierras de Segovia de 1500 a 1814
(Madrid, Akal, …

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7.440 CLP eBook EPUB
La contribuciÛn del poder judicial a la protecciÛn de los derechos humanos de la tercera generaciÛn; especial referencia al derecho al desarrollo
La contribuciÛn del poder judicial a la protecciÛn de los derechos humanos de la tercera generaciÛn; especial referencia al derecho al desarrollo

Esta tesis doctoral versa sobre los Derechos Humanos de Tercera Generación, en especial referencia al Derecho al Desarrollo. Tratase de un abordaje propositiva con respecto a la contribución del Poder Judicial para el desarrollo socio-económico, a partir de una perspectiva interdisciplinario entre el neoinstitucionalismo económico y algunas divisiones del Derecho, especialmente el Internacional Público, Constitucional y Procesal Civil, con algunas incursiones en la Filosofía del Derecho.

Algunas ideas claves son presentadas con resalto de la importancia y valorización de los Derechos Humanos, como la de considerar que la existencia digna del hombre en la faz de la tierra está inexorablemente condicionada …

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2.480 CLP eBook PDF

Descripción / Resumen (Inglés): The current publication, entitled Folksonomies, sets out the contents of a selection of works I have done lately and it recounts its exhibit walkthrough, organized on the basis of two individual projects which run parallel throughout 2016. One of them relates to the works arisin­g­ from my interest in Big Data and which is composed of different accounts with works in painting, mural installation and drawing. It is the project I have called Sombras_Big_Dat@. The second Project is about my activity around engraving, silk screen printing and digital printing which I have named 32 bits_memoria_grafica. The book …

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Empiricism and analytical tools for 21 Century applied linguistics
Empiricism and analytical tools for 21 Century applied linguistics
The present volume follows an open-access publication policy, offering access to the multimedia files of the plenary lectures whose authors agreed to their publication and the Language Learning special roundtable, as well as a selection of the written versions of the papers presented at the 29th International Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA), 86 of which were accepted for publication after a double-blind selection process and are collected in this volume.
7.440 CLP eBook PDF
An epic history of pharmacy. Pharmacy in the Ancient World
An epic history of pharmacy. Pharmacy in the Ancient World
Luis Marcos Nogales

What really sets humankind apart from other species is our fondness of drugs. This vale of tears, full of plants and animals to tame, was the breeding ground for cultures and civilizations with a penchant for developing the noble art of pharmacy. The Neolithic revolution marked the coming into being and development of great states and empires, with the consequential increase in headaches. But that was no big deal, since shamans, witch doctors, physicians, priests, apothecaries, and/or sorcerers sought, and sometimes found, remedies to relieve migraines and a wide range of ailments. 
After a taste of this Epic History of Pharmacy …

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Innovation in Pharmacy
Innovation in Pharmacy
Organizer Committee IPAP18 – Salamanca

This book contains the summaries of the "Innovations in Pharmacy: Advances and Perspectives" that took place in Salamanca (Spain) in September 2018. The early science of chemistry and microbiology were the source of most drugs until the revolution of genetic engineering in the mid 1970s. Then biotechnology made available novel protein agents such as interferons, blood factors and monoclonal antibodies that have changed the modern pharmacy. Over the past year, a new pharmacy of oligonucleotides has emerged from the science of gene expression such as RNA splicing and RNA interference. The ability to design therapeutic agents from genomic sequences will …

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Miriam Pérez Veneros

Esta tesis doctoral versa sobre el estudio de la construcción de la atribución del significado en la diseminación de la ciencia en la prensa británica a través del análisis de los recursos utilizados por el periodista para integrar en su narración de los hechos científicos lo que otras fuentes externas han dicho. El fenómeno de la atribución en el discurso académico, científico y de los medios de comunicación se ha descrito previamente desde una perspectiva interpersonal mediante el análisis de la evaluación y de la teoría de la valoración (‘appraisal’). Además, otras investigaciones previas se han centrado también en el …

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Instituciones polÌticas, comportamientos sociales y atraso econÛmico en EspaÒa (1580-2000)
Instituciones polÌticas, comportamientos sociales y atraso econÛmico en EspaÒa (1580-2000)

Este libro quiere ser un homenaje a la memoria de Ángel García Sanz (Fuentelcésped [Burgos], 1946 - Segovia, 2014). La generosidad intelectual y el compromiso con su tierra seguramente sean los dos rasgos que mejor lo definen como académico. Licenciado en Filosofía y Letras por la Universidad de Salamanca (donde sería profesor interino en 1989-1991 de la naciente Facultad de Economía y Empresa) se doctoró en Historia por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid en 1973 con la tesis Desarrollo y crisis del Antiguo Régimen en Castilla la Vieja. Economía y sociedad en tierras de Segovia de 1500 a 1814
(Madrid, Akal, …

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University of Salamanca
University of Salamanca

The first quarter of the 15th century saw the start of the construction of this building, which has always been known as the Escuelas Mayores. In 1411, Cardinal Pedro de Luna, an enthusiastic supporter of the University, ordered its construction. A few years later, those involved began to buy up the houses that would eventually offer the space for our Studium. It is in fact surprising that although the University was founded in 1218 by Alfonso IX, two hundred years were to elapse before it was awarded its first premises since prior to that moment its teaching activities had been …

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