Resultados de la búsqueda para: "Hans-Jürgen Döpp"

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1000 Obras de Arte Erótico
1000 Obras de Arte Erótico
Hans-Jürgen Döpp, Joe A. Thomas, Victoria Charles

El uso y la aceptación de las imágenes eróticas ha variado con respecto a la época y la civilización que las empleara. Estas tendencias, por su parte, se ven reflejadas en las imágenes mismas y se pueden observar desde estatuas antiguas dedicadas a la fertilidad hasta grabados renacentistas cuyo objetivo era estimular la procreación dentro del matrimonio. Sea como fuere, el arte erótico siempre ha ocupado un lugar importante en la sociedad. En este libro, por primera vez, confluyen 1000 imágenes auténticas de arte erótico que abarcan siglos y civilizaciones con el objetivo de demonstrar la evolución del género. En …

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14.190 CLP eBook EPUB
Erotische Fantasien
Erotische Fantasien
Hans-Jürgen Döpp
Auf dieser virtuellen Reise werden wir einer Vielfalt von Sichtweisen der tausend Metamorphosen der Sexualität begegnen. Sie zeigt, dass nichts natürlicher ist als das sexuelle Verlangen, und nichts weniger natürlich als die Formen, in denen es sich äußert und befriedigt. Dieses Buch lädt Sie zu einer außergewöhnlichen Reise ein, die den Blick auf eine Geographie der Lust öffnen wird.
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Erotic Art
Erotic Art
Hans-Jürgen Döpp

When asked about Picasso, towards the end of his life, what was the difference between art and eroticism, he replied meditatively and dreamily: “But there is no difference.” others feared eroticism, Picasso warned against the dangerous experiments of art: “Art is never chaste, it should be kept away from all innocent ignorant. People insufficiently prepared should never come into contact with him. Yes, art is dangerous. When he is chaste, he is no longer art. ”The notion of erotic art is surrounded by a halo of hypocritical, deceptive and dissimulating concepts: art or pornography, sex or eroticism, obscenity or originality, …

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Forbidden Asia 120 illustrations
Forbidden Asia 120 illustrations
Hans-Jürgen Döpp
Since The Turkish Baths (1863) by the French painter Ingres, the Far Eastern woman has, to many, been a symbol of out of reach or forbidden pleasures. Seafaring explorers, military adventurers and simple travellers from Europe over the centuries have all been enthralled by the exotic nature of the Asian woman, her foreignness accentuated by the gentle pallor of her skin. Thus arose the myth that she, of all women, was in possession of the knowledge of certain refined pleasures.
12.888 CLP eBook EPUB
Erotic Fantasy
Erotic Fantasy
Hans-Jürgen Döpp
Numerous and diverse points of view come together in this work, demonstrating the multiple aspects that sexuality can present. If nothing is more natural than sexual desire, it is nothing less than the forms by which this desire is expressed and found to satisfy. This book invites you on a special journey, into the universe of emotion, of pleasure and desire.
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1000 Chefs-d'Œuvre  érotiques
1000 Chefs-d'Œuvre érotiques
Hans-Jürgen Döpp, Joe A. Thomas, Victoria Charles

Toutes les régions et civilisations du monde ont traité de l’érotisme, chacune à leur manière, avec leurs niveaux de tolérance et leurs propres références culturelles. Ces tendances se sont reflétées dans les travaux eux-mêmes. Des statues millénaires célébrant la fertilité aux gravures de la Renaissance élaborées pour encourager la procréation dans le mariage, l’art érotique a toujours eu une grande place dans la société. Pour la première fois ici, 1000 images d’art érotique ont été rassemblées, englobant tous les continents pour démontrer l’évolution du genre. Alors que l’érotisme abonde maintenant dans la publicité et les médias, ce livre offre une …

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14.190 CLP eBook EPUB
The Encyclopedia of Erotica
The Encyclopedia of Erotica
Hans-Jürgen Döpp
What happened to the insolence of the 18th-century libertines or to the carefree excesses of the Belle Époque and its legalized brothels? They have merely been inhibited and buried by the nowadays political correctness and the aggressive one-eyed morality. This book disregards conventional thinking and presents 800 reproductions that illustrate erotic art from Ancient Greece down to the present era in both Europe and Asia: when reproduction is not seen as an end in itself. With no hesitation nor inhibition, the author explains why erotic art is a key factor of societal development.
14.799 CLP eBook EPUB
Hans-Jürgen Döpp

The climax to the act of love casts an indefinable expression on the face – an expression of urgent intensity. A woman, a man, in that moment experiences an ecstasy that for an instant is visible in the eyes and on the lips. A wave of pleasure runs through the body, marking the transition between desire and orgasm. For this fleeting second, when just how violent the senses can be is laid bare, the person involved is not the same as the person immediately before or the person immediately after. With the help of prints and etchings from former centuries, …

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4.990 CLP eBook EPUB
Hans-Jürgen Döpp

How is it that the foot and the toes are credited with such strong sexual connotations? Do they represent something out of the ordinary to the human subconscious? How otherwise could these unremarkable parts of the body seem erotic? And what has their appeal to do with the Eternal Mystery that is Woman? Often left uncovered, in former times when total nudity was forbidden or considered unseemly, the foot and its shape allowed the imaginations of observers to roam wild. The only part of the body of a woman occasionally visible (unlike those visible normally or those never visible normally), …

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4.990 CLP eBook EPUB
The kiss
The kiss
Hans-Jürgen Döpp
Is a kiss the premise of the act or an act in itself? What role do the lips and the tongue play in the lovers’ encounter? What are its means and its uses throughout history and societies? Such are the questions and analyses that Professor Döpp tackles in this book with both talent and intelligence. Richly illustrated with pieces from the author’s illustrious collection, this work is a treat for the eyes and the mind.
4.990 CLP eBook EPUB
Erotische Kunst aus Asien 120 illustrationen
Erotische Kunst aus Asien 120 illustrationen
Döpp Hans-Jürgen, Hans-Jürgen Döpp

Mit Ingres' Türkischem Bad von 1863 ist die Frau des Ostens für viele im Westen zu einem Symbol für eine nie erreichbare, verbotene Lust geworden. Seereisende, Abenteurer und einfache Wanderer aus Europa sind über Jahrhunderte dem exotischen Reiz der asiatischen Frau verfallen; ihrer angenehmen Andersartigkeit, der sanften Blässe ihrer Haut. So kam der Mythos auf, dass sie, vor allen anderen Frauen, im Besitz eines geheimen Wissens über Liebestechniken sei. Historisch gesehen, ist dies nicht völlig unbegründet. Traditionsgemäß wurde es von chinesischen und japanischen Frauen erwartet, dass sie ihren Männern zu Diensten seien. Diese Erwartung floss maßgeblich in ihre Erziehung ein …

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12.888 CLP eBook EPUB
L'Encyclopédie Érotique
L'Encyclopédie Érotique
Hans-Jürgen Döpp

En ce début de millénaire, il nous a semblé intéressant de publier ce volumineux ouvrage sur l’histoire de l’érotisme. Curieuse époque que la nôtre ! Malgré une liberté toujours plus grande, les mots comme les images sont devenus formatés. Le « politiquement correct » s’est installé comme un credo, et les images redeviennent des icônes, particulièrement celles des femmes. Durant le précédent millénaire, ces dernières furent successivement déesses ou Vierges; aujourd’hui, elles sont des top modèles. Pour les hommes, ce phénomène a transformé Apollon en mannequin ou en star de cinéma. Que reste-t-il de l’impertinence des libertins du XVIIIe siècle, …

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