
Nikodim Pavlovich Kondakov
Icon painting has reached its zenith in Ukraine between the 11th and 18th centuries. This art is appealing because of its great openness to other influences – the obedience to the rules of Orthodox Christianity in its early stages, the borrowing from Roman heritage or later to the Western breakthroughs – combined with a never compromised assertion of a distinctly Slavic soul and identity. This book presents a handpicked and representative selection of works from the 11th century to the late Baroque period.
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Ukiyo-e - grabado japonés
Ukiyo-e - grabado japonés
Dora Amsden, Woldemar von Seidlitz

Ukiyo-e, imágenes del universo en mutación, es el nombre de un género artístico nacido en Japón durante el próspero período Edo (1615-1868). Estas impresiones típicas son resultado del trabajo colectivo entre un artista, un grabador y un impresor. Su auge y desarrollo se debió, en gran parte, a que los avances de la técnica permitieron una producción en serie accesible para muchos habitantes. Estas estampas representan escenas de la vida cotidiana, retratos de mujeres, actores del teatro Kabouki o luchadores de Sumo. Los paisajes también fueron uno de los temas recurrentes. El fundador del movimiento, Moronobu, y también artistas como …

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Andrea Mantegna and the Italian Renaissance
Andrea Mantegna and the Italian Renaissance
Joseph Manca

Mantegna; humanist, geometrist, archaeologist, of great scholastic and imaginative intelligence, dominated the whole of northern Italy by virtue of his imperious personality. Aiming at optical illusion, he mastered perspective. He trained in painting at the Padua School where Donatello and Paolo Uccello had previously attended. Even at a young age commissions for Andrea’s work flooded in, for example the frescos of the Ovetari Chapel of Padua. In a short space of time Mantegna found his niche as a modernist due to his highly original ideas and the use of perspective in his works. His marriage with Nicolosia Bellini, the sister …

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Erotic Photography
Erotic Photography
Alexandre Dupouy
Erotic photo art has lost much of its exquisite soul since Playboy and other girlie monthlies repackaged the human body for mass-market consumption. Like much painting, sculpture and engraving, since its beginning photography has also been at the service of eroticism. This collection presents erotic photographs from the beginning of photography until the years just before World War II. It explores the evolution of the genre and its origins in France, and its journey from public distrust to the large audience it enjoys today.
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Leon Bakst and artworks
Leon Bakst and artworks
Elisabeth Ingles
Léon Bakst (1866-1924) was a painter, illustrator, stage and costume designer. He is universally acknowledged for representing a synthesis of creative energy in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Bakst travelled widely throughout Europe and in 1890 joined the World of Art journal circle which numbered many artists among its members, the most famous being Benois and Diaghilev. This book illustrates the wealth of Bakst's contribution to the world of theatre and dance. His best known work includes sets for Stravinsky's Firebird, and Weber's Spectre de la Rose.
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Beauty of the Beast
Beauty of the Beast
John Bascom

Throughout time, artists have maintained a close relationship with the animal world, which has proved to be an inexhaustible source of inspiration. First, they received inspiration directly from their environment. Next, animals were used in art for their status as domestic friends, symbols of an intimate and familial life, held in particularly high esteem during the Renaissance. Later, in Orientalism, animal art followed the discovery of exotic fauna which appealed to contemporary artists. The animal and its wild beauty are depicted here through works of art from Albrecht Dürer, Pieter Bruegel, Leonardo da Vinci, Katsushika Hokusai, Henri Rousseau, and Paul …

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Retratos de la Virgen
Retratos de la Virgen
Klaus Carl
Durante el Renacimiento, los pintores italianos solían representar a las esposas de sus mecenas como Madonas, a menudo haciéndolas más bellas de lo que eran en realidad. Durante siglos, en la pintura religiosa, la Virgen ha sido presentada como la madre clemente y protectora de Dios. Sin embargo, con el paso del tiempo, María fue perdiendo algunas de sus características espirituales y se hizo más mortal y accesible a los sentimientos humanos. Retratos de Vírgenes ilumina esta evolución y contiene impresionantes obras de Miguel Ángel, Caravaggio, Rubens, Fouquet, Dalí y Kahlo.
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Clara Erskine Clement, Clara Erskine Clement
Even today, the splendid appearance of angels remains undiminished. Images of these heavenly and powerful messengers convey protection, innocence and calm, and have been an inspiration to religious artists throughout the history of art. This book illustrates the most impressive representations of angels, from delicate, whimsical cupids to majestic depictions of the archangel Michael, and from medieval to modern times.
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Audubon's Birds
Audubon's Birds
John James Audubon, John James Audubon
Audubon’s ambitious project to paint all the birds of North America resulted in a work that represents one of the greatest advances in ornithology. Not only did he identify new species, he also depicted birds within their natural habitat and in vivid poses. This impressive collection ranges from the Greater Flamingo and Bald Eagle to the Carolina parakeet. Audubon describes every species in concise texts, drawing attention the peculiarities of each bird.
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Frida Kahlo y obras de arte
Frida Kahlo y obras de arte
Gerry Souter

Detrás de los retratos de Frida Kahlo se ocultan tanto la historia de su vida como la de su obra. Es precisamente esta combinación la que atrae al espectador. La obra de Frida es un testimonio de su vida. Pocas veces se puede aprender tanto acerca de un artista con sólo contemplar lo que él inscribe dentro del marco de sus cuadros. Frida Kahlo es sin lugar a dudas la ofrenda de México a la historia del arte. Tenía apenas dieciocho años cuando un terrible accidente cambió su vida para siempre, dejándola discapacitada y agobiada de un dolor físico permanente. …

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The Origin of the World
The Origin of the World
Hans-Jürgen Döpp, Jp. A. Calosse

Lacan, the last owner of Courbet’s The Origin of the World, loved the painting so much that he couldn’t even bring himself to look at it. Instead, he hid it behind a “safer” painting. The Chinese called it the “valley of the roses” (watch out for the thorns!), the Persians, the “honey-pot” (watch out for the bees!), and the Greeks, “the mound of Venus” (mind the steep climb!); to each era its fantasies and its theories about the feminine mystique. Then there are the testimonies of poets, painters, and even of some famous psychiatrists. The Origin of the World is …

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Desnudos 120 ilustraciones
Desnudos 120 ilustraciones
Jp. A. Calosse, Jp. A. Calosse

El concepto de desnudo puede llevar de la mano connotaciones fundamentales diferentes, en tanto que el cuerpo sin ropa es susceptible de suscitar sensaciones tanto de placer como de vergüenza, sirviendo como símbolo de ideas contradictorias: la belleza y la indecencia. Este libro está dedicado a representaciones de desnudos realizadas por grandes artistas de todos los tiempos, desde la antigüedad y el Renacimiento italiano al Impresionismo francés y el arte contemporáneo, de Botticelli y Miguel Ángel a Cézanne, Renoir, Picasso y Botero. Este libro, de bella factura, reúne una colección que hará las delicias de todos los amantes del arte.

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