
Early Italian Painting
Early Italian Painting

Oscillating between the majesty of the Greco-Byzantine tradition and the modernity predicted by Giotto, Early Italian Painting addresses the first important aesthetic movement that would lead to the Renaissance, the Italian Primitives. Trying new mediums and techniques, these revolutionary artists no longer painted frescos on walls, but created the first mobile paintings on wooden panels. The faces of the figures were painted to shock the spectator in order to emphasise the divinity of the character being represented. The bright gold leafed backgrounds were used to highlight the godliness of the subject. The elegance of both line and colour were combined …

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10.499 CLP eBook EPUB
Music and Eros
Music and Eros
Hans-Jürgen Döpp
Music is not only a pleasure for the ear, it is the echo of the heartbeat, breath and desire. Professor Döpp revisits music as the catalyst for dance, love and sex. From the music sheet to dance and through instruments, music is the expression of our profound desires and most violent passions. The text revisits the history of music and art from the dances of the first men to pop and electronic music and through belly dance. Music and Eros take us on a time-travelling journey to discover the interaction of music and sex.
14.799 CLP eBook EPUB
Nathalia Brodskaya

Symbolism appeared in France and Europe between the 1880s and the beginning of the 20th century. The Symbolists, fascinated with ancient mythology, attempted to escape the reign of rational thought imposed by science. They wished to transcend the world of the visible and the rational in order to attain the world of pure thought, constantly flirting with the limits of the unconscious. The French Gustave Moreau, Odilon Redon, the Belgians Fernand Khnopff and Félicien Rops, the English Edward Burne-Jones and Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and the Dutch Jan Toorop are the most representative artists of the movement.

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10.499 CLP eBook EPUB
The Story of Lingerie
The Story of Lingerie
Muriel Barbier

What is the social merit or purpose of all those bras and panties on perfectly sculpted bodies that we see spread across billboards and magazines? Many women indulge in lingerie to please men. Yet, ever since Antiquity, women have always kept lingerie hidden away under outer garments. Thus, lingerie must be more than erotic bait. Authors Muriel Barbier and Shazia Boucher have researched iconography to explore the relationship of lingerie to society, the economy and the corridors of intimacy. They correlate lingerie with emancipation, querying whether it asserts newfound freedoms or simply adjusts to conform to changing social values. The …

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Decorative Art
Decorative Art
Albert Jaquemart

From the Middle Ages to contemporary times, decorative art can be defined by the artistic materials, designs and objects used in both architecture and interior design. Similar to many art forms decorative art continues to evolve, originating with pieces as simple as a chair, noted for its utility, to purely ornamental objects, celebrated for their aesthetic beauty. Decorative Art aims to eulogize these often undervalued objects by giving praise to all mediums of decorative art throughout the centuries. Originally never considered as fine art, their artistic potential was not acknowledged until the twentieth century when industrial production replaced artisanal creation. …

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14.799 CLP eBook EPUB
The Renaissance Engravers
The Renaissance Engravers
Jp Calosse
This ambitious work allows the reader to discover the art of engraving in Europe from the 15th to the 16th century. The engravings of the Renaissance masters are considered models of artistic perfection, often studied and frequently copied.
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Romanesque Art
Romanesque Art
Klaus Carl, Victoria Charles
In art history, the term ‘Romanesque art’ distinguishes the period between the beginning of the 11th and the end of the 12th century. This era showed a great diversity of regional schools each with their own unique style. In architecture as well as in sculpture, Romanesque art is marked by raw forms. Through its rich iconography and captivating text, this work reclaims the importance of this art which is today often overshadowed by the later Gothic style.
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Greek Sculpture
Greek Sculpture
Edmund von Mach

Greek Sculpture is probably the most well known aspect of Greek art, for a contemporary it expresses the most beautiful ideal and plastic perfection. It is the first of the Ancient Arts that looked to free itself from the imitative constraints, of the faithful representation of nature. Only a small part of the production of Greek Sculpture is known to us. Many of the masterpieces described by Antique literature are henceforth lost or badly damaged, and a large part, we know are copies, more or less skillful and faithful to the Roman era. Many have been restored by Western Sculptors, …

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Ashley Bassie, Ashley Bassie

Max Beckmann, Otto Dix, George Grosz, Emil Nolde, E.L. Kirchner, Paul Klee, Franz Marc as well as the Austrians Oskar Kokoschka and Egon Schiele were among the generation of highly individual artists who contributed to the vivid and often controversial new movement in early twentieth-century Germany and Austria: Expressionism. This publication introduces these artists and their work. The author, art historian Ashley Bassie, explains how Expressionist art led the way to a new, intense, evocative treatment of psychological, emotional and social themes in the early twentieth century. The book examines the developments of Expressionism and its key works, highlighting the …

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El Simbolismo
El Simbolismo
Nathalia Brodskaïa

El Simbolismo apareció en Francia y Europa entre la década de 1880 y el principio del siglo veinte. Los simbolistas, fascinados por la mitología de la Antigüedad, intentaban escapar del reino del pensamiento racional impuesto por la ciencia. Deseaban trascender el mundo de lo visible y lo racional para alcanzar el mundo del pensamiento puro, coqueteando constantemente con los límites del inconsciente. Los franceses Gustave Moreau, Odilon Redon, los belgas Fernand Khnopff y Félicien Rops, los ingleses Edward Burne-Jones y Dante Gabriel Rossetti, así como el holandés Jan Toorop son los artistas más representativos del movimiento.

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Del natural
Del natural
Martí Domínguez

III Premi Bones Lletres d'assaig humanísticamb una obra sobreLA RELACIÓ ENTRE ART I NATURAMartí Domínguez porta a terme en Del natural un ample recorregut per la història de la pintura tenint com a principal fil conductor la percepció de la natura. Des de la representació d'un corder per part de Giotto fins a les dones de Gauguin pintades a la Polinèsia, passant pel renaixement italià i flamenc i pels pintors romàntics i impressionistes, l'autor reflexiona sobre com la natura ha estat en cada cas interpretada i pintada, incloent-hi dins d'ella l'estudi del paisatge i de la mateixa naturalesa humana. D'aquesta …

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8.211 CLP eBook EPUB
Pre-Raphaelites 120 illustrations
Pre-Raphaelites 120 illustrations
Robert de la Sizeranne, Robert delaSizeranne
In the Victorian era, England – swept along by the Industrial Revolution, the Pre-Raphaelite fold, William Morris, and the Arts and Crafts movement – aspired to return to traditional values. Wishing to resurrect the pure and noble forms of the Italian Renaissance, a group of painters including John Everett Millais, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and Edward Burne-Jones, favoured Realism and Biblical themes. This work, with its informed text and rich illustrations, enthusiastically describes this singular movement which provided the inspiration for Art Noveau and Symbolism.
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