
Bride to the King
Bride to the King
Barbara Cartland
Dutiful, demure and far lovelier than she knows, Princess Zosina, the eldest daughter of the Archduke Ferdinand of Lützelstein, is reluctantly obedient when her father announces that she must marry King Gyórgy of neighbouring Dórsia to create an alliance between the two nations that will defend them against the threat from the German Empire. Arriving in Dórsia on a state visit, she is greeted by the country’s regent, a kind, handsome, and very considerate prince. By contrast and much to Zosina’s dismay, her future husband King Gyórgy is as wild and disagreeable as his reputation suggested.
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Dollars for the Duke
Dollars for the Duke
Barbara Cartland

Following the sudden death of his rakish father, Seldon Burn unexpectedly inherits the title of Duke of Otterburn. Returning to the family estate, he swiftly discovers that the title is the only thing he has inherited, along with a mountain of his father’s debts and nothing with which to pay them. A brave and proud soldier, nothing has prepared the new duke for the devastation to the family coffers caused by his late father’s love of lavish entertainment, women, and good living. His cousin Edith suggests that he follows in the footsteps of many an impoverished English aristocrat and marry …

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Viaje al Amor
Viaje al Amor
Barbara Cartland

Alecia Stanbrook, hija de un escritor muy pobre, acepta la petición de su Prima, Charis Langley, que se haga pasar por ella durante una visita a su tutor, quien es General del Ejército Británico de Ocupación, en Francia.Alecia es una bella provinciana muy tímida a quien no le agrada hacer nada fuera de lo común, sin embargo, al ofrecerle su prima una generosa suma, acepta, sabedora que con ese dinero evitará que su Padre y ella se mueran de hambre. Como Alecia viaja a Francia, donde conoce al Tutor de Charis, Lord Kiniston, y al famoso Duque de Wellington sin …

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The Pretty Horse-Breakers
The Pretty Horse-Breakers
Barbara Cartland
Innocent young Candida is almost destitute after the death of her beloved father. Resolving to keep up the family’s modest Elizabethan manor house in Hertfordshire and support Ned, the family’s faithful servant, she sees no alternative but to sell her beloved black stallion, Pegasus. When the worldly Major Hooper offers to take her and her mount to Hyde Park where she will undoubtedly find a high price, she agreest. Little does she suspect that Major Hooper trades in young women as well as horseflesh, and she soon finds herself and Pegasus "sold" to the dashing but awe-inspiring Lord Manville.
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The Temptation of Torilla
The Temptation of Torilla
Barbara Cartland

The Marquis of Havingham visits his mother in Harrogate to tell her he intends to marry Lady Beryl Fern, the most acclaimed beauty in the Prince Regent’s circle. This should be the happiest day of his life. He is handsome, fabulously wealthy and now about to be a bridegroom. There is only one cloud on the horizon: He is not in love. Convinced that true love is not worth the heartache, and that marriage to the "Incomparable" Lady Beryl, will work because of their shared interests and position amongst the Beau Monde, only his mother is worried that he may …

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Love Leaves at Midnight
Love Leaves at Midnight
Barbara Cartland

With her flaming red hair and emerald green eyes, Xenia’s unusual beauty makes her stand out in any crowd, until she unexpectedly meets her long-lost cousin, Johanna, amidst the wreckage of a railway accident. Incredulous at finding her mirror image and desperate for a friend, Xenia’s initial joy is soon replaced by misgivings when Johanna suggests an outrageous plan to swap lives for two weeks. Xenia finds herself agreeing to help Johanna enjoy 10 final days of freedom with the Englishman she loves before her arranged royal marriage. As her cousin steals away from the site of the train crash, …

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Love in the Highlands
Love in the Highlands
Barbara Cartland

When Balkan Prince Stanislaus demands an English bride, Queen Victoria sends him Lady Lavina, whose family had a slight connection with royalty. Determined to avoid this fate, Lavina threw herself on the mercy of the Marquis of Elswick, a disagreeable man who had turned his back on the world following the betrayal by the woman he loved. Surprisingly, he agrees to help by pretending to be engaged to Lavina, and, with her father, they left to visit her relatives in Scotland. In the highlands, Lavina began to find herself attracted to the marquis. Beneath his harsh manners he has a …

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The Duke & The Preacher's Daughter
The Duke & The Preacher's Daughter
Barbara Cartland

Imperious, handsome and gallant in battle, the Duke of Kingswood has stolen the hearts of many society belles. But he is a block of ice nobody can melt and is determined never to marry. To continue the family line, he is counting on his cousin and heir presumptive Richard to marry well and produce a son.To the duke’s horror, Richard’s heart is bewitched by society siren and acclaimed beauty Lady Delyth Maulden. Disaster turns to tragedy when Richard finds his beloved in the arms of another, shoots him, and turns his gun on himself. With Richard at death’s door, the …

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Castle of Love
Castle of Love
Barbara Cartland

Hugo, Earl of Ruven, is sailing home after 10 years in India, where he served with his regiment. His grandfather, the old earl, has died and Hugo has inherited the title and estate of Castle Ruven. He also inherited his late brother's fiancee, Felice de Lisle. No one who sees the handsome man standing at the rail with his face turned toward the approaching coast suspects the truth. During one of the first battles of the Indian Mutiny, Hugo was severely injured. The new Earl of Ruven is returning home blind. Meanwhile, Jacina and her father, Doctor Carlton, wait to …

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Love at Last
Love at Last
Barbara Cartland
The handsome and eligible Prince Ivan of Rusitania urgently needs to find a bride who is very young, very pretty, and very rich. His cousin, Prince Peter of neighbouring Voskia, is determined to prevent him marrying so he can inherit Rusitania. Peter invades Rusitania hoping for a quick victory, but instead he suffers a disastrous defeat. Danger follows Ivan from Rusitania to Paris and then to London, where he meets Lady Cecilia Beaumont, who undertakes to help him find a suitable bride.
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The Gates of Paradise
The Gates of Paradise
Barbara Cartland

Narina Kenwin is the only daughter of the Bishop of St. Albans and is used to a quiet comfortable life in her father’s country diocese. Intelligent, loyal, and stunningly beautiful, Narina is happy with her lot, although she does sometimes daydream about the far off places that she would love to see with someone special by her side. It seems her wish to travel is about to come true when Narina receives an invitation from her school friend, Louise, who is married to Prince Rudolf, the ruler of the small Principality of Alexanderburg in the Balkans. She has greatly missed …

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No Escape from Love
No Escape from Love
Barbara Cartland

When the Armistice between France and England came to an end in 1803, Napoleon jailed 10,000 British tourists who were in France at the time. Most had committed no crime and had simply been travelling when captured.To avoid being arrested, many went into hiding, among them the widow and daughter of Sir Edward Waltham, who had died that winter. Plunged into poverty and the seedier side of Paris life, beautiful Vernita Waltham is keeping her sick mother precariously alive on the money she obtains from making exquisitely embroidered lingerie for Napoleon’s sister, Her Imperial Highness Princess Pauline Borghese.

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