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Toby the polar pig. #3
Toby the polar pig. #3
Fabrice Genevois, Federico Ezequiel Gargiulo
Toby and his friend Kevin the king penguin have a common dream: to explore the vast glacial floodplain in South Georgia, known as Saint Andrews Bay. Fearless of the dangers, they brave the elements and make an unexpected discovery.
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Toby the polar pig. #1
Toby the polar pig. #1
Fabrice Genevois, Federico Ezequiel Gargiulo
Toby has never left home before and dreams of a life of adventure. He knows a journey to Antarctica would make him a true explorer. There are rough seas to cross, ice storms to brave, and new friends to make. This is the first book of Toby´s adventure saga.
8.462 CLP eBook EPUB Fixed Format
Toby the polar pig. #2
Toby the polar pig. #2
Fabrice Genevois, Federico Ezequiel Gargiulo
Toby meets Georgia, a Gentoo penguin whose dream is to climb a mountain peak to be able to have a view from the heights. Toby will guide Georgia and in order fulfill her dream, they will have to face many perils.
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Toby the polar pig. #4
Toby the polar pig. #4
Fabrice Genevois, Federico Ezequiel Gargiulo
Deception Island is among the most spectacular islands found in Antarctica. However, Toby will soon realize that it is also a sleeping volcano! Trapped in a sudden and mighty eruption, the courageous little pig will risk his life to warn his friends of the danger.
9.188 CLP eBook EPUB Fixed Format
Hitchhiking in the Axis of Evil
Hitchhiking in the Axis of Evil
Juan Pablo Villarino

On May 1st 2005, Juan Villarino, an Argentinean hitchhiker,hitches a ride in a sailboat from Belfast harbourto Scotland, on the first leg of a journey tothe Middle East. Borrowing the strategy of thesnail he carries all he needs in a backpack, andsticks out his thumb along both dusty roads andmotorways. He possesses no credit card nor bulletproof jacket. His goal is to cross the heart of theIslamic world: Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan, solely by hitchhiking,in an attempt to prove that hospitality abounds in a region portrayedas terrorist by the establishment media.As he moves across the vast globe, Juan …

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7.348 CLP eBook EPUB
Spuren von feuer
Spuren von feuer
Federico Ezequiel Gargiulo

Spuren von Feuer ist eine wahre Geschichte von drei jungen Freunden, die eines schönen Tages den Entscheid treffen, sich auf ein Abenteuer zu einem der unberührtesten und entlegensten Orte der Erde zu wagen: Die Halbinsel Mitre, im extremsten Südosten von Feuerland.
In diesem Buch erzählt der Autor auf eine gewandte und fesselnde Art die Einzelheiten einer Expedition zu Fuss, durchgeführt im Herbst 2005, zu einem völlig unerschlossenen Ort, ohne Wege und Siedlungen, in einem rauen Gebiet, wo man nichts als Einsamkeit einatmet. Im Verlauf dieser Reise über mehr als 500 Kilometer werden die jungen Eroberer mit einigen Hindernissen konfrontiert (eiskalte Flüsse, …

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6.614 CLP eBook EPUB
Ernest Shackleton

South is the story of the most important trip undertaken by Sir Ernest Shackleton as told by himself: the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition. Feeling that the pride of his homeland, Great Britain, was lost as it had not been the first country to reach the Geographic South Pole — the Norwegian Roald Amundsen had conquered it in 1911 — Shackleton planned an extremely ambitious adventure that had not yet been accomplished: Not only did he intend to reach the South Pole but he also dreamt of crossing the vast white continent, from the Weddell Sea to the Ross Sea, a total …

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8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
Pegadas de Fogo
Pegadas de Fogo
Federico Ezequiel Gargiulo

Pegadas de Fogo é a história real de três jovens comuns que, um dia como qualquer outro, decidiram aventurar-se em um dos lugares mais virgens e remotos da face da Terra: a Península Mitre, no extremo sul - oriental de Tierra del Fuego (Terra do Fogo). Nestas páginas, o autor conta, de maneira ágil e cativante, os detalhes de uma expedição realizada a pé durante o outono de 2005 para um lugar totalmente inacessível, sem estradas nem povoados; um terreno hostil onde se respira solidão. Ao longo desta travessia de mais de 500 quilômetros, estes jovens exploradores tiveram de enfrentar-se …

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6.614 CLP eBook EPUB
Sentiers de Feu
Sentiers de Feu
Federico Ezequiel Gargiulo

Sentiers de feu est l’histoire réelle de trois jeunes qui ont décidé de s’aventurer dans un des endroits les plus sauvages et inaccessibles de la terre, la péninsule Mitre, située à l’extrémité sud orientale de la région de Terre de Feu. Dans ces pages, l’auteur raconte dans un style agile et captivant, les détails d’une expédition à pied réalisée pendant l’automne 2005, dans une région inhabitée et dépourvue de route et de voie d’accès, dans un terrain hostile où l’on respire la solitude. Tout au long de cette traversée de plus de cinq cents kilomètres, les jeunes explorateurs ont dû …

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Ernest Shackleton

Sur es la historia del viaje más importante de Sir Ernest Shackleton, narrada por él mismo: la Expedición Imperial Transantártica. Sintiendo que el orgullo de su patria, Gran Bretaña, estaba perdido al no haber sido el primer país en alcanzar el Polo Sur geográfico —el noruego Roald Amundsen lo había conquistado en 1911—, Shackleton planificó un nuevo viaje con grandes ambiciones. No sólo se proponía llegar al Polo Sur, sino que soñaba con atravesar a pie el vasto continente blanco, desde el mar de Weddell hasta el mar de Ross, una distancia total de 2900 kilómetros.
En los albores de la …

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8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
Fire Walking
Fire Walking
Federico Ezequiel Gargiulo

Fire Walking is the story of three ordinary young men who, on a day like any other, decided to venture into one of the most unexplored and remote places on earth – the Mitre peninsula, the southeastern tip of Tierra del Fuego. In this book, the author, in a lively and captivating style, delves into the details of an on-foot expedition that took place in the southern latitude autumn of 2005, to an absolutely inaccessible spot with no roads or settlements, which seems to have solitude as its only inhabitant. During this journey of over five hundred kilometers, the young …

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