
Basis of structural design of building. According to CTE DB E,CTE DB SE-AE and NCSE-02
Basis of structural design of building. According to CTE DB E,CTE DB SE-AE and NCSE-02
Arianna Guardiola Villora, Luisa Basset Salom

This book, intended for students of Architecture or structural engineering, addresses the basis of structural design according to procedures and provisions set in the Spanish Building Technical Code (CTE DB-SE & CTE DB SE-AE) and in the Code for Seismic Design of buildings (NCSE-02) Provisions and requirements specified in these Standards related to structural safety and serviceability, limit state analysis, actions on buildings and earthquake resistant design are included and explained. A collection of practical examples illustrates key points and clarifies the implementation of these Standards to the structural design of buildings All tables needed to follow every step of …

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6.200 CLP eBook PDF
Innovation in Pharmacy
Innovation in Pharmacy
Organizer Committee IPAP18 – Salamanca

This book contains the summaries of the "Innovations in Pharmacy: Advances and Perspectives" that took place in Salamanca (Spain) in September 2018. The early science of chemistry and microbiology were the source of most drugs until the revolution of genetic engineering in the mid 1970s. Then biotechnology made available novel protein agents such as interferons, blood factors and monoclonal antibodies that have changed the modern pharmacy. Over the past year, a new pharmacy of oligonucleotides has emerged from the science of gene expression such as RNA splicing and RNA interference. The ability to design therapeutic agents from genomic sequences will …

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0 CLP eBook PDF
University of Oxford 1096
University of Oxford 1096
Boudewijn Sirks

En este GLOSARIO destacados juristas de las Universidades más antiguas de Europa –como Bolonia, Oxford, Salamanca, Padua, París, Pisa y Heidelberg– analizan la actualidad del Derecho privado europeo a partir de una cuidada selección de términos jurídicos y principios generales claves, expresados en latín y producidos por el Derecho romano. No se trata de resucitar sin más la vieja experiencia jurídica; se trata de explicar y dar a valer un vocabulario jurídico universalmente reconocido, además de precisar el significado de las palabras como instrumentos de trabajo del ars boni et aequi. Son palabras básicas, determinantes del lenguaje jurídico que hoy …

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829 CLP eBook PDF
Applied video technologies for events and conferences
Applied video technologies for events and conferences

The world of video technologies is an exciting field due to the vast amount of systems and applications in which the video signal is critical. Nowadays, there are many amateur and professional activities and applications in which the practical knowledge of video signals, systems, processing, displaying and broadcasting is essential. Thus, many profiles demand training in video technologies. This manual is focused on the specific environment of events and conferences. That is why the manual deals with the video technologies used in conference rooms, concerts, theatre, AV performances, etc. The contents si presented in three levels of difficulty: basic, intermediate and …

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20.190 CLP eBook PDF
An epic history of pharmacy. Pharmacy in the Ancient World
An epic history of pharmacy. Pharmacy in the Ancient World
Luis Marcos Nogales

What really sets humankind apart from other species is our fondness of drugs. This vale of tears, full of plants and animals to tame, was the breeding ground for cultures and civilizations with a penchant for developing the noble art of pharmacy. The Neolithic revolution marked the coming into being and development of great states and empires, with the consequential increase in headaches. But that was no big deal, since shamans, witch doctors, physicians, priests, apothecaries, and/or sorcerers sought, and sometimes found, remedies to relieve migraines and a wide range of ailments. 
After a taste of this Epic History of Pharmacy …

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2.480 CLP eBook PDF
The bird fauna of Las Caldas cave
The bird fauna of Las Caldas cave
Anne Eastham
The bird fauna of Las Caldas cave
779 CLP eBook PDF
Miriam Pérez Veneros

Esta tesis doctoral versa sobre el estudio de la construcción de la atribución del significado en la diseminación de la ciencia en la prensa británica a través del análisis de los recursos utilizados por el periodista para integrar en su narración de los hechos científicos lo que otras fuentes externas han dicho. El fenómeno de la atribución en el discurso académico, científico y de los medios de comunicación se ha descrito previamente desde una perspectiva interpersonal mediante el análisis de la evaluación y de la teoría de la valoración (‘appraisal’). Además, otras investigaciones previas se han centrado también en el …

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2.470 CLP eBook PDF
The secret of being happy
The secret of being happy
Aldivan Teixeira Torres
"The secret of being happy" brings the main lines concerning fifty-four professions. In them, the reader will come across the pros and cons of each professional axis facilitating understanding through examples. More than a manual, he is a very useful professional identification guide especially for students, scholars in general or those who want to try to change their profile by looking for a new job market option. I wish everyone a good read! "
4.132 CLP eBook PDF
Kingdom And Wisdom’s Parables
Kingdom And Wisdom’s Parables
Aldivan Teixeira Torres
“The book presents a set of reflective tales pertaining to the themes kingdom of God and wisdom. It's worth reading.”
4.132 CLP eBook PDF
The Contemporary Testament
The Contemporary Testament
Aldivan Teixeira Torres
"This is the book of God. Does this seem contradictory to you? Taking notes here and there, it was written through the greatest force in the universe in partnership with the seer and is a rereading of important biblical parts explaining the will of the creator which can be recognized through faith. As Jesus said, those who are from God recognize his words and have this book as a loving letter from a father wanting to find his children again.”
4.959 CLP eBook PDF

Descripción / Resumen (Inglés): The current publication, entitled Folksonomies, sets out the contents of a selection of works I have done lately and it recounts its exhibit walkthrough, organized on the basis of two individual projects which run parallel throughout 2016. One of them relates to the works arisin­g­ from my interest in Big Data and which is composed of different accounts with works in painting, mural installation and drawing. It is the project I have called Sombras_Big_Dat@. The second Project is about my activity around engraving, silk screen printing and digital printing which I have named 32 bits_memoria_grafica. The book …

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Poder y heterodoxia en el mundo greco-romano
Poder y heterodoxia en el mundo greco-romano

Poder y heterodoxia en el mundo greco-romano es un volumen colectivo que reúne trabajos de prestigiosos especialistas nacionales e internacionales que, desde diferentes ámbitos, han querido reconocer y mostrar su adhesión a una práctica de análisis histórico en la que pasado y presente dejan de convertirse en compartimentos estancos, gestionados por «profesionales» de la Historia, para convertir a esta en un oficio basado en el diálogo entre mundos distantes y distintos que aporten reflexión y claridad a nuestro presente.

Frente a planteamientos ideológicos dominantes que interpretan los hechos históricos con un carácter unidireccional e interesado, en la medida en que la …

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2.480 CLP eBook PDF
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