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Arturo Ortega Blake

This historic novel tells the story of how the legendary Erik the Red led his men to a land of plenty where they built a nation: Greenland. Later, Leif, like his father before him, will also guide his people to a sweeping and much more bountiful land which, centuries later, would come to be called America. It is a tale of the challenges of that savage and indomitable world, as well as their struggle against nature and, above all, the Algonquin. Arturo Ortega Blake sets out their customs, dress, and mythology, and even their codes of honor, world view and …

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Vow of Darkness
Vow of Darkness
Rodrigo Parra Sandoval

Originally published in Spanish as Voto de tinieblas, this is a translation by Kieran Tapsell. Among the stories and characters of Vow of Darkness it unfolds a reflection around the prohibitions and dangers that a nun living the confused and violent period of independence from Spain must face when she decides to be a writer in a world where writing is an exclusively male activity.
Alongside these adventures is woven a reflection about personal and collective memory. It outlines how the indigenous population extinguishes destroyed by war, smallpox and shame. And yet, there are characters trying to give sense to their …

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The Armenian Testament
The Armenian Testament
G.H. Guarch

The 20th century saw two great world wars. It was a century of crisis, as it was also of change and progress. However, he will be remembered for two huge human tragedies, in which groups of people tried to annihilate specific ethnic groups. This is the case of the Armenian Genocide and the Jewish Holocaust.The Armenian Testament is a historical novel in which the circumstances, characters and places are collected, as well as the political motivations that gave rise to the so-called "Armenian Genocide" between 1915 and 1916. The protagonist is a fictional character, like many those that appear throughout …

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