
Camilo José Cela

Un volumen con tres novelas en las que destacan la inmediatez, la vocación experimental y la maestría técnica de Camilo José Cela

El rasgo más destacable que comparten las tres obras aquí reunidas es la libertad y la audacia insólitas con que fueron escritas. Las tres retan al lector desprevenido y le exigen abandonar sus expectativas relacionadas con lo que debe ser una novela. Mrs Caldwell habla con su hijo tiene mucho de soliloquio alucinado afín al poema en prosa. Oficio de tinieblas 5 es quizá la más visceral de las novelas del autor, que la definió como «la …

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5.900 CLP eBook EPUB
Guzmán el Bueno. El señor de la frontera
Guzmán el Bueno. El señor de la frontera
Juan Luis Pulido Begines

Sevilla, 1256. Nace un niño bastardo en la ciudad vieja habitada por gentes nuevas. Como tantos otros de su condición, es un niño que parece abocado a sumergirse en el limbo del olvido. Pero por puro milagro, el chiquillo desamparado burla los riegos de las calenturas y las ratas, para subir a las cimas de una gloria nunca antes alcanzada por alguien nacido en sus circunstancias. Posee una fortaleza física y espiritual extraordinaria, gracia, belleza y buena estrella. Después de una larga vida de éxitos militares y fracasos del corazón, temido y respetado por príncipes a ambos lados del Estrecho, …

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5.360 CLP eBook EPUB
La noia del vestit blau
La noia del vestit blau
Laia Vilaseca

Una novel·la de misteri ambientada al Pirineu que ja ha captivat milers de lectors.

La Martina acaba d'arribar a Treviu, un poblet de muntanya on ha estiuejat tota la vida. Necessita fugir de Barcelona i allà, envoltada de records d'infantesa, s'hi sent segura. Però tan bon punt s'hi instal·la, s'assabenta que han profanat tres tombes al cementiri vell, una de les quals pertany a una noia d'identitat desconeguda que va morir fa més de trenta anys al pont del Malpàs i que tothom recorda com "la noia del vestit blau". Tot indica que es va suïcidar, però la seva …

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6.900 CLP eBook EPUB
Emilia Pardo Bazán

Una novela breve e intensa sobre el deseo femenino en el siglo XIX y las convenciones sociales que se interponían en su camino.

Introducción de Eva Acosta, biógrafa de Emilia Pardo Bazán

Publicada en la estela de éxitos como Los pazos de Ulloa y La madre naturaleza, Insolación cuenta la relación que entablan en la madrileña feria de San Isidro Asís Taboada, una viuda de 32 años, y Diego Pacheco, un joven y apuesto gaditano. La historia comienza en retrospectiva, cuando la protagonista despierta con resaca y empieza a recordar los acontecimientos del día anterior; pero …

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4.900 CLP eBook EPUB
The Vatican Conspiracy
The Vatican Conspiracy
Jonathan Cross
Readers will not be able to put down The Vatican Conspiracy, the latest thrilling adventure by Jonathan Cross. In this mystical suspense novel, the first American/Jewish Pope conspires with the head of the Italian Mafia, a U.S. Senator, a young Jesuit priest, and a covert military operative to stop drug cartels from selling drugs to children. Will he be successful?The action twists and turns continually as this mystical thriller rushes to its stunning conclusion. Vatican Conspiracy is a must-read for suspense fans.
8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
Alyssa's Needs Trilogy
Alyssa's Needs Trilogy
Olivia M. Ravensworth

After a year and a half of marriage, the beautiful Alyssa suddenly tells her adoring husband that she needs more than any one man, no matter how loving, can give her far more. Brad is shocked, but Alyssa, with her dark eyes smoldering, explains patiently, yet thoroughly and graphically and very unapologetically, exactly what she requires. Brad, aghast, may resist the seemingly impossible request, but Alyssa will not be put off, and she knows her prey perhaps even better than he himself does. Fiercely ashamed at what she has suggested, the confused man nevertheless is, on another level he cannot …

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8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
Monk's Treasure
Monk's Treasure
Maureen Saunders

Whilst investigating the disappearance of a Government Minister's son, Detective Inspector Eastman becomes involved in the strange occurrences at a derelict church outside the village of Little Munchley. The Reverend Samuel Johnson, his daughter Ruth, Marcus his curate and Ruth's friend Gloria are also looking into the reports of singing, screams, ghostly footsteps and monk's seen gliding into the old church. When an attack on a parishioner up at the old church is brought to Eastman's attention he starts to think that the two things could be connected, especially when it is learnt that the so called monks are looking …

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8.270 CLP eBook PDF
The Burden of Guilt
The Burden of Guilt
Judie Withers

Set in a small farming town in Kansas in the late 1940s, this novel is the touching story of a woman who endures much after her heart is broken. Emma is a young woman who makes several mistakes in her youth. She falls in love with her sister’s boyfriend, but her sister tricks the man into marriage. Emma returns to town years later and tries to come to terms with her sister’s marriage, but uses poor judgment instead. She marries a man she doesn’t know well and doesn’t love. He turns out to be a mean drunk, and she experiences …

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8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
The Handmaiden's Revenge
The Handmaiden's Revenge
Lizbeth Dusseau

Sir Sagemore defeats Titus of Castonia, the sworn enemy of Lord Nor, ruler of Illusia. He earns the right to bring Nor's slave/wife, Casia, into his bed, his brothel and his dungeon. For a fortnight, Casia and her handmaidens are there to appease the victors with their loins and their abject submission, becoming centerpieces in a wicked, sadomasochistic victory celebration. Meanwhile, Lord Nor scours his dungeons looking for a female to replace his borrowed wife. He quickly becomes enamored with a Castonian handmaid, Ariel. Ignoring her vengeful curse, he hastily savages this beautiful enemy before a cheering throng, and finally …

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6.500 CLP eBook EPUB
Budd Nelson

The rollicking Western Dusty begins in 1878 in Mills County, Texas, when two ranch hands come across a stranger at a campfire. They find out later that the man named Dusty had drawn them there to save their lives from Indians. Dusty Rhodes joins the men as they travel back to the ranch where they work. Dusty is known to the owner, and ends up taking a job for the rancher leading a cattle drive to Kansas. Along the way, there are storms and the herd is attacked by cattle rustlers, but Indians help Dusty and his men fight off …

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8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
The Ring, The Bomb, and the Word
The Ring, The Bomb, and the Word
Assad R. Wright

Faced with a threat so diabolical that if allowed to succeed, this novel?s disaster scenario could make 9/11 look like a benign outbreak of the common cold. In The Ring, The Bomb, and the Word, a crack trio from the religious ?Unit,? an arm of the anti-Terrorism Task Force of Homeland security, is handed the seemingly impossible task of thwarting just such a disaster. The three agents must track down a previously unheard of home-grown terror group with unlimited sources, a nuclear bomb, and what the terrorists see as a direct mandate from God to prevent the marriage of 10,000 …

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The Song of Es-soh-en
The Song of Es-soh-en
Dennis Knotts
A brother and sister go swimming in a sea and find themselves teleported to another world to witness the creation of that universe.
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