
Meisterwerke der Buchmalerei 120 illustrationen
Meisterwerke der Buchmalerei 120 illustrationen
Andrej Sterligow, Tamara Woronowa
All jene, die schon einmal ein mittelalterliches Manuskript in Händen halten durften, waren sicherlich beeindruckt, mit einer lang vergangenen Zeit in Berührung zu treten. Damals, als die Herstellung eines Buches noch ein arbeitsreiches Handwerk war und jede Ausgabe in aufwendigen Arbeitsschritten produziert wurde, war jede Seite ein Kunstwerk und kein schnellvergängliches Massenprodukt wie heute. Dieses Buch bringt seine Leser in Kontakt mit den fantastischen Illustrationen des Mittelalters und einzigartigen Verzierungen, die die Kreativität ihrer Erschaffer bezeugen.
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The Russian painters of water 1750-1950
The Russian painters of water 1750-1950
Sutherland Lyall
The Russian painters of water recaptures the impressions of water in the works held at the Russian State Museum of Russian Painters, from the 18th century onward. Among the paintings are works by Sylvester Shechedrin, Ivan Aivazovsky, Polenov. Arkhipov and Repin. Sutherland Lyall narrates vividly and elegantly the exciting and varied appearance of water in the world of Russian art. He invites the reader to discover something of the history and customs of this vast country, and provides an insight into Russian painting.
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Ikonen 120 illustrationen
Ikonen 120 illustrationen
Lioudmila Millaeva, Lioudmila Millaeva
Dieses Buch analysiert die Entwicklung ikonischer Kunst von seinen Anfängen in byzantinischer Epoche bis zur Zeit des Russischen Reiches. Ikonen sind ein grundlegendes Element der Kunstgeschichte und es ist daher entscheidend zu verstehen, wie diese Darstellungsform begann und sich über Jahrhunderte entwickelte. Ikonen wurde von einer der weltweiten Expertinnen der frühen christlichen Ikonografie geschrieben und bietet daher einen wertvollen Bezugspunkt für Spezialisten als auch für Studenten.
12.888 CLP eBook EPUB
Historic Maritime Maps 120 illustrations
Historic Maritime Maps 120 illustrations
Donald Wigal

In the Middle Ages, navigation relied upon a delicate balance between art and science. Whilst respecting the customs and the precautions of their forbearers, sailors had to count on their knowledge of the stars, the winds, the currents, and even of migratory flights. They also used hand-painted maps, which, although certainly summary, were marvellously well-drawn. In following the saga of old sailors, from Eric Le Rouge to Robert Peary, Donald Wigal leads us in discovering the New World. This magnificent overview of maps dating from the 10th to the 18th centuries, often ‘primitive’ and sometimes difficult to understand, retraces the …

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Manuscritos Iluminados 120 ilustraciones
Manuscritos Iluminados 120 ilustraciones
Andrej Sterligow, Tamara Woronowa
Aquellos que han tenido la oportunidad de sostener entre sus manos un manuscrito medieval, no habrán podido evitar verse sorprendidos por la sensación de entrar en contacto directo con un pasado remoto. Tiempo atrás, cuando un libro era una verdadera obra de artesanía y cada copia el resultado de un laborioso proceso, este objeto constituía una obra de arte más que un volátil producto comercial. El volumen de Mega Square Manuscritos Iluminados presenta al lector asombrosas ilustraciones medievales y adornos únicos que constituyen un testimonio de la privilegiada imaginación de sus creadores.
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Icons 120 illustrations
Icons 120 illustrations
Lyudmila Milyayeva, Lyudmila Milyayeva
This book analyses the evolution of iconic art from its beginning in Byzantium to the time of the Russian Empire. Icons are a fundamental element in the history of art, and it is therefore crucial to understand how this form of expression began and how it developed over centuries. Icons are discussed by one of the world-renowned experts on early Christian iconography, offering a valuable point of reference for specialists, as well as students.
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Cassatt and artworks
Cassatt and artworks
Natalia Brodskaya, Natalia Brodskaya, Nathalia Brodskaïa

Mary was born in Pittsburgh. Her father was a banker of liberal educational ideas and the entire family appears to have been sympathetic to French culture. Mary was no more than five or six years old when she first saw Paris, and she was still in her teens when she decided to become a painter. She went to Italy, on to Antwerp, then to Rome, andfinally returned to Paris where in 1874, she permanently settled. In 1872, Cassatt sent her first work to the Salon, others followed in the succeeding years until 1875, when a portrait of her sister was …

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Russian Impressionists and Post-Impressionists
Russian Impressionists and Post-Impressionists
Mikhail Guerman
The 1860s were marked by a strong realistic movement in Russian painting. Artists became interested in depicting the lives and customs of their fellow countrymen. This new art form was mostly the work of the Itinerants group, who wanted to take art to the people and paint the outdoors. Mikhail Guerman traces the converging lines of Russian and French art in the immensely fertile period of the late 19th and early 20th century.
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Vasily Surikov
Vasily Surikov
Vladimir Kemenov

Born in Krasnoiarsk in 1848, Surikov died in Moscow in 1916. He is one of the great masters of history painting, and he occupies a special place in Russian culture. Like Delacroix, he believed that history was not a pretext for nice painting but an inexorable drama with neither culprits nor innocents but rather people driven by invisible forces. He was very knowledgeable about Russian history, and his paintings deal with crucial moments. He sought in historical events the answers to pressing problems of his time. Here is a book about a painter little-known in the West, analysed with understanding …

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The World of Art and Diaghilev's Painters
The World of Art and Diaghilev's Painters
Vsevolod Petrov

When, almost twenty years ago, we founded the World of Art, we had a burning desire to liberate Russian artistic activity from the tutelage of literature, to instil in the society around us a love of the very essence of art, and that was the aim we had when we took the field. We considered enemies all those “who fail to respect art as such”, those who either fasten wings to an old nag or harness Pegasus to the cart of “social ideals”, or reject the idea of Pegasus altogether. For that reason, we addressed ourselves to the artistic world …

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James McNeill Whistler 1834-1863
James McNeill Whistler 1834-1863
Patrick Chaleyssin
Whistler's work can be divided into four periods. The first was a research period in which the artist was influenced by the Realism of Gustave Courbet and by Japanese art. Whistler then discovered his own originality in the Nocturnes and the Cremorne Gardens series, thereby coming into conflict with the academics who wanted a work of art to tell a story. When he painted the portrait of his mother, Whistler entitled it Arrangement in Gray and Black, and this is symbolic of his aesthetic theories.
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Historic Maritime Maps
Historic Maritime Maps
Cocinar Hoy, Donald Wigal, Enrico Medail

This book presents a selection of oceanic charts dating from the 13th to the 17th century. Though to us they may appear rudimentary, they bear excellent witness to the achievements of the early European navigators, and to their determination to explore the very ends of the Earth. What the charts may lack in geographical accuracy they undoubtedly make up for in charm. And of course they are priceless historical records. Recounting the epic voyages of maritime exploration, from Erik the Red to Robert Peary, author Donald Wigal leads us on an exciting journey from Terra Incognita to the World As …

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