
Hans-Jürgen Döpp

The climax to the act of love casts an indefinable expression on the face – an expression of urgent intensity. A woman, a man, in that moment experiences an ecstasy that for an instant is visible in the eyes and on the lips. A wave of pleasure runs through the body, marking the transition between desire and orgasm. For this fleeting second, when just how violent the senses can be is laid bare, the person involved is not the same as the person immediately before or the person immediately after. With the help of prints and etchings from former centuries, …

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4.990 CLP eBook EPUB
The Erotic Orient
The Erotic Orient
Hans-Jürgen Döpp

Since The Turkish Bath (1863) by the French painter Ingres, the Far Eastern woman has to many been a symbol of pleasures out of reach or forbidden. Seafaring explorers, military adventurers and simple travellers from Europe over the centuries have all been enthralled by the exotic nature of the oriental woman, her foreignness accentuated by the gentle pallor of her skin. Thus arose the myth that she, of all women, was in possession of the knowledge of certain refined pleasures. Historically, in the traditions of both China and Japan, women have been required to respond at least acquiescently to men’s …

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4.990 CLP eBook EPUB
Sapphic Art
Sapphic Art
Hans-Jürgen Döpp

The poetess Sappho did not, in any way, facilitate the relationship between men and women, with her admirable Ode to Aphrodite which celebrates the love and sexuality between two women. With the liberalization of morals, female homosexuality is part of modern society and cannot be ignored. But what does history retain from these practices? How is the love between women appreciated? By infringing on the rules of past societies, how did these women live their particularity and their forbidden sexuality? This difficult exercise, undertaken by Professor Döpp, attempts to explain these censured pleasures, without inclining towards a certain voyeurism.

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4.990 CLP eBook EPUB
Objects of Desire - The Eroticism of Touch
Objects of Desire - The Eroticism of Touch
Hans-Jürgen Döpp

Since humans first began thinking creatively – as opposed to merely procreatively – about sex, men and women have spiced up their love lives with this and that. Every civilization has come up with its own sex objects and sex toys. From rudimentarily-fashioned objects to the most exquisite ivory carvings of the Far East, eroticism has found expression in a multitude of different forms all displayed here. The beauty and the craftsmanship of these artistic masterpieces bear striking witness to the powers of generation in every culture throughout history. From works of art to sex toys, historian Hans-Jürgen Döpp analyses …

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4.990 CLP eBook EPUB
Hans-Jürgen Döpp

How is it that the foot and the toes are credited with such strong sexual connotations? Do they represent something out of the ordinary to the human subconscious? How otherwise could these unremarkable parts of the body seem erotic? And what has their appeal to do with the Eternal Mystery that is Woman? Often left uncovered, in former times when total nudity was forbidden or considered unseemly, the foot and its shape allowed the imaginations of observers to roam wild. The only part of the body of a woman occasionally visible (unlike those visible normally or those never visible normally), …

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4.990 CLP eBook EPUB
El Sistema 3. The 3 System
El Sistema 3. The 3 System
Mario Teresano

“Mi nombre es Mario Teresano. Desde mi adolescencia he sido un gran apasionado del culturismo y el fitness, deporte que desde entonces se ha convertido en mi estilo de vida. Consultado en innumerables oportunidades sobre cómo entrenar y llevar adelante una correcta nutrición sin grandes complicaciones y privaciones, he desarrollado el Sistema 3.

El libro tiene como objetivo enseñarte a llevar un estilo de vida equilibrado, para que mantenerse en forma y con salud no tenga que ser algo tedioso ni suponer privaciones de todo tipo. Un sistema fácil de seguir por cualquier persona indistintamente de su edad, profesión u obligaciones …

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28.503 CLP eBook EPUB
I want to get pregnant now! Ebook.
I want to get pregnant now! Ebook.
Dra. Marisa López-Teijón Pérez

With one of the most renowned medical specialists in Assisted Reproduction, Dr Marisa López-Teijón, and three women who, like you, also want to get pregnant, you will discover the responses to all those questions you began to ask yourself the day you decided you wanted to have a baby. Elisabeth, Marta and Rose face numerous mysteries, doubts, taboos, prejudices and false myths. They feel disoriented, angry, sad and, often, alone. If, like them, you won’t let anything stop you, this book will explain how to conceive spontaneously or with medical help. Practical, surprising, and filled with emotion, this book is …

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6.720 CLP eBook EPUB
La lucha por el poder
La lucha por el poder
Richard J. Evans

Este es un libro realmente extraordinario: la obra más original y madura de Richard J. Evans. Definirlo como una historia de Europa entre la caída de Napoleón y el estallido de la primera guerra mundial resulta insuficiente; porque lo que Evans nos ofrece es una apasionante interpretación de la formación del mundo moderno, a través de una serie de ventanas que no sólo se abren sobre un panorama de gobiernos, guerras y revoluciones, sino que nos describen el cambio de la sociedad (la emancipación de los siervos, la formación de la clase obrera…), la conquista de la naturaleza, la expresión …

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4.165 CLP eBook EPUB
Marti Soles. English version
Marti Soles. English version
Daniel Bonfi
This nouvelle is a great metaphor for how environmental pollution can end the light of the world. Incarnating here that pollution, the actions of the Queen witch; being Marti (mankind) who has the responsibility to prevent this happening. Will she make it? Will we make it?
8.196 CLP eBook EPUB
Generating Talent
Generating Talent
José Antonio Marina

Generating Talent: How to Put Intelligence to Work develops an innovative model that explains the generation of talent as intelligence acting in a way that is suitable, brilliant and efficient. It reveals how it is generated not only in individuals, but in organizations and societies as well.

«This is an optimistic book. Not optimistic with the slightly flaccid optimism of self-help books that promise us all that we can become instant millionaires, but optimistic because it describes how neuroscience shows our capacities to be even greater than previously thought.»
José Antonio Marina

Every year, countless studies are published which …

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6.900 CLP eBook EPUB
Vamos al colegio grande / Let's Go to the Big School
Vamos al colegio grande / Let's Go to the Big School
Beatriz Eugenia Vallejo
Laurita no se puede dormir, pues no quiere ir al colegio. Su abuelo trata de convencerla de que no tiene nada que temer. Edición bilingüe español - inglés. Textos e ilustraciones, Beatriz Eugenia Vallejo.
Little Laura can’t get to sleep, because she does not want to go to the school. Her grandpa tries to convince her that there is nothing to be afraid of. Spanish - English edition. Texts and illustrations, Beatriz Eugenia Vallejo.
2.475 CLP eBook EPUB
Adelaida se prepara / Adelaida Gets Ready
Adelaida se prepara / Adelaida Gets Ready
Beatriz Eugenia Vallejo
Los amigos de Adelaida, una ratona blanca, la invitan al parque a jugar con el hielo después de una granizada, pero ella toma demasiadas precauciones antes de salir. Edición bilingüe español - inglés.
Adelaida’s friends ask her to go to play in the park after a snowfall, but she takes too many precautions before going out. Spanish - English edition.
2.475 CLP eBook EPUB
Elementos 25 a 36 de un total de 86
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