
Hans-Jürgen Döpp

The climax to the act of love casts an indefinable expression on the face – an expression of urgent intensity. A woman, a man, in that moment experiences an ecstasy that for an instant is visible in the eyes and on the lips. A wave of pleasure runs through the body, marking the transition between desire and orgasm. For this fleeting second, when just how violent the senses can be is laid bare, the person involved is not the same as the person immediately before or the person immediately after. With the help of prints and etchings from former centuries, …

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4.990 CLP eBook EPUB
Hans-Jürgen Döpp

How is it that the foot and the toes are credited with such strong sexual connotations? Do they represent something out of the ordinary to the human subconscious? How otherwise could these unremarkable parts of the body seem erotic? And what has their appeal to do with the Eternal Mystery that is Woman? Often left uncovered, in former times when total nudity was forbidden or considered unseemly, the foot and its shape allowed the imaginations of observers to roam wild. The only part of the body of a woman occasionally visible (unlike those visible normally or those never visible normally), …

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4.990 CLP eBook EPUB
The kiss
The kiss
Hans-Jürgen Döpp
Is a kiss the premise of the act or an act in itself? What role do the lips and the tongue play in the lovers’ encounter? What are its means and its uses throughout history and societies? Such are the questions and analyses that Professor Döpp tackles in this book with both talent and intelligence. Richly illustrated with pieces from the author’s illustrious collection, this work is a treat for the eyes and the mind.
4.990 CLP eBook EPUB
Sapphic Art
Sapphic Art
Hans-Jürgen Döpp

The poetess Sappho did not, in any way, facilitate the relationship between men and women, with her admirable Ode to Aphrodite which celebrates the love and sexuality between two women. With the liberalization of morals, female homosexuality is part of modern society and cannot be ignored. But what does history retain from these practices? How is the love between women appreciated? By infringing on the rules of past societies, how did these women live their particularity and their forbidden sexuality? This difficult exercise, undertaken by Professor Döpp, attempts to explain these censured pleasures, without inclining towards a certain voyeurism.

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Objects of Desire - The Eroticism of Touch
Objects of Desire - The Eroticism of Touch
Hans-Jürgen Döpp

Since humans first began thinking creatively – as opposed to merely procreatively – about sex, men and women have spiced up their love lives with this and that. Every civilization has come up with its own sex objects and sex toys. From rudimentarily-fashioned objects to the most exquisite ivory carvings of the Far East, eroticism has found expression in a multitude of different forms all displayed here. The beauty and the craftsmanship of these artistic masterpieces bear striking witness to the powers of generation in every culture throughout history. From works of art to sex toys, historian Hans-Jürgen Döpp analyses …

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4.990 CLP eBook EPUB
Hans-Jürgen Döpp

The “happy-few” aspect of the sadomasochistic relations, the fashions that have had a great impact on the population, make these practices seem somewhat commonplace. A number of magazines and films recount these sexual adventures with complete honesty. The enthusiasts are no longer exceptions. Beyond the stereotypes of women in leather boots with a whip in hand, they discover the pleasures of pain. It is a form of sexuality where pleasure looses its codification since procreation is no longer the goal. Travelling towards the limits of emotions is the theme explored by Professor Döpp, supporting his developments on an exceptional iconography.

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The Erotic Orient
The Erotic Orient
Hans-Jürgen Döpp

Since The Turkish Bath (1863) by the French painter Ingres, the Far Eastern woman has to many been a symbol of pleasures out of reach or forbidden. Seafaring explorers, military adventurers and simple travellers from Europe over the centuries have all been enthralled by the exotic nature of the oriental woman, her foreignness accentuated by the gentle pallor of her skin. Thus arose the myth that she, of all women, was in possession of the knowledge of certain refined pleasures. Historically, in the traditions of both China and Japan, women have been required to respond at least acquiescently to men’s …

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Hans-Jürgen Döpp

La poétesse Sappho n’a en rien facilité les rapports hommes-femmes, avec son admirable Ode à Aphrodite qui célèbre l’amour et une sexualité épanouie entre femmes. Avec la libéralisation des mœurs, l’homosexualité féminine est un fait incontournable de nos sociétés modernes. Mais que l’histoire retient-elle de ces pratiques ? Comment l’amour de deux femmes était-il apprécié ? En enfreignant les règles des sociétés passées, comment ces femmes ont-elles vécu leur particularisme et leur plaisir ? Pourquoi choisir sa semblable plutôt que l’autre, l’homme en l’occurence, pour obtenir le plaisir ? Exercice difficile, permettant au Professeur Döpp de réaliser un tour de …

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6.678 CLP eBook EPUB
Le Fétichisme du pied
Le Fétichisme du pied
Hans-Jürgen Döpp

Comment se fait-il que le pied et les orteils soient crédités de telles connotations sexuelles ? Représentent-ils quelque chose qui sort de l'ordinaire pour le subconscient humain ? Comment autrement ces parties du corps sans particularité pourraient-elles sembler érotiques ? Et qu'est-ce que leur attrait a à voir avec le Mystère Éternel qu'est la Femme ? Souvent laissés à découvert, dans des temps anciens où la nudité totale était interdite ou considérée comme inconvenante, le pied et sa forme permettaient à l'imagination des observateurs de vagabonder en liberté. Seule partie du corps d'une femme parfois visible (contrairement à celles qui …

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6.678 CLP eBook EPUB
La biblia de las calorías
La biblia de las calorías
Clara Cesana

Cuidar la salud y la línea y alimentarse de forma equilibrada se han convertido en cuestiones de sumo interés hoy en día. Frases como «debo seguir una dieta de 1.000 calorías» o bien «no debo pasar de 1.200 calorías diarias» son frecuentes. Sin embargo, transformar estas cifras abstractas en platos concretos no es fácil. Por otra parte, quien se plantea seguir una dieta baja en calorías se suele plantear cuestiones como «¿De qué manera puedo compaginar el buen precio de los productos de temporada con mis necesidades calóricas?», o «¿Cómo puedo incorporar en una dieta rigurosa un alimento que me …

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8.882 CLP eBook EPUB
Libro-juego. Los colores
Libro-juego. Los colores
Edoardo Dudine, Patrizia Del Meglio
¿Quieres dibujar tu retrato dentro de este marco? ¿Quieres que descubramos juntos el mundo de los colores? Emprenderemos un viaje fantástico. Aprenderemos los colores observándolos, pero también comiéndolos y bebiéndolos. ¡Ah! Para utilizar este libro necesitarás un montón de cosas: témperas, rotuladores, tijeras de punta redonda, recortes de papel de colores, harina, leche, mantequilla, zanahorias, remolacha, espinacas y muchas cosas más. Pasa la página y comenzaremos nuestro viaje. ¡Adelante!
7.993 CLP eBook EPUB
Hans-Jürgen Döpp

Die „Happy Few“ des Sado-Masochismus, dieser angeblichen „Modeerscheinung“, haben aufgrund des schockierenden Effektes ihrer sexuellen Handlungen eine große Auswirkung auf das Bewusstsein der Bevölkerung, denn zahlreiche Zeitschriften und Filme zeigen uns diese Abenteuerlichkeiten inzwischen ohne Umschweife. Die Anhänger dieser sexuellen Aktivitäten sind jedoch keine Ausnahmeerschei­nungen, denn man findet sie inmitten unserer Gesellschaft, in unserer Nachbarschaft, bei unseren Freunden oder unter unseren Arbeitskollegen. Abgesehen von den gängigen Stereotypen der “Domina” in Lederstiefeln mit einer Peitsche in der Hand entdeckt so manch einer die Freude am Leid durch das Piercing oder durch eine Sexualität, in der der Genuss seine allgemeingültigen Normen verloren …

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