
Privacidad Personal Vs. Transparencia de Datos
Privacidad Personal Vs. Transparencia de Datos
Roberto Arenas Lara

¿Son nuestros datos privados, aún nuestros?¿Son nuestros datos privados, aún nuestros? Al hacer uso de las tecnologías de información y comunicación la transparencia de datos de nosotros, los usuarios, se da por sentada. Ceder -inadvertidamente- nuestra información a terceros es una práctica habitual, continuada y extendida globalmente. Los dispositivos inteligentes, navegadores, páginas web, aplicaciones móviles y redes sociales están entrelazados por la captura de datos de sus consumidores. El libro que tiene en sus manos explica de forma breve los elementos que dieron origen a esta industria, quiénes los recopilan, los mecanismos empleados, los riesgos involucrados, así como las consecuencias …

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4.165 CLP eBook EPUB
Mundo zombi. El cine de muertos vivientes
Mundo zombi. El cine de muertos vivientes
Ramón Monedero

Zombi" (Dawn of the Dead, 1978) se hizo célebre por sus alegóricas imágenes de muertos vivientes deambulando por un centro comercial. El paralelismo estaba claro: nosotros éramos los zombis que frecuentábamos los espacios compuestos por concatenaciones de tiendas como cuerpos sin voluntad, únicamente guiados por el dinero y el consumo. Fuimos moldeados como zombis hace mucho, cuando pusieron el dinero a pie de calle para que fuéramos de cajero en cajero a consumir aunque no necesitáramos nada. Ahora solo tenemos que enseñar el móvil. El truco está en hacerlo cada vez más fácil. En este espléndido libro, Ramón Monedero …

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5.360 CLP eBook EPUB
Michelangelo da Caravaggio
Michelangelo da Caravaggio
Félix Witting, M.L. Patrizi, M.L. Patrizi, Felix Witting

After staying in Milan for his apprenticeship, Michelangelo da Caravaggio arrived in Rome in 1592. There he started to paint with both realism and psychological analysis of the sitters. Caravaggio was as temperamental in his painting as in his wild life. As he also responded to prestigious Church commissions, his dramatic style and his realism were seen as unacceptable. Chiaroscuro had existed well before he came on the scene, but it was Caravaggio who made the technique definitive, darkening the shadows and transfixing the subject in a blinding shaft of light. His influence was immense, firstly through those who were …

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14.320 CLP eBook EPUB
Salvador Dalí  «Yo soy el surrealismo»
Salvador Dalí «Yo soy el surrealismo»
Eric Shanes, Victoria Charles

Salvador Dalí (1904-1989), conocido principalmente por su estilo único y grandilocuente, puede presumir de un repertorio extraordinario donde concurren cine, escultura, fotografía y, por supuesto, pintura. Mientras que su nombre es a menudo asociado, con razón, al surrealismo, Dalí demostró su maestría en géneros tan dispares como el clasicismo, el modernismo y el cubismo. No por menos, supone una figura crucial en la historia del arte que ha inspirado innumerables libros y estudios. En este volumen los lectores podrán encontrar una fascinante apreciación de la vida y obra de uno de los pioneros del arte que más controversia y excitación …

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14.320 CLP eBook EPUB
English Painting
English Painting
Ernest Chesneau

The English school of painting was officially recognised at the beginning of the 18th century through the work of William Hogarth. It includes works by the most famous English artists, such as Thomas Gainsborough, Joseph Mallord William Turner, John Constable, Edward Burne-Jones, and Dante Gabriel Rossetti. This subject is introduced with a very unique text, published in 1882: a French study of English pictorial art. The author, Ernest Chesneau, was highly-cultured, an art historian and inspector of Fine Arts. He explains the beginnings of this school which excels in portraiture and landscapes, and reminds us of the English brilliance regarding …

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14.799 CLP eBook EPUB
Léon Rosenthal

Romanticism was a reaction against the Neoclassicism that invaded the 19th century, and marked a veritable intellectual rupture. Found in the writings of Victor Hugo and Lord Byron, amongst others, its ideas are expressed in painting by Eugène Delacroix, Caspar David Friedrich and William Blake. In sculpture, François Rude indicated the direction this new artistic freedom would take, endowing his work with a movement and expression never previously seen. By retracing the different stages of its evolution, this book offers a study of the different aspects of the Romantic movement. Thanks to a thorough and in-depth analysis, the reader can …

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10.499 CLP eBook EPUB
William Blake
William Blake
Osbert Burdett

Poet, draughtsman, engraver and painter, William Blake’s work is made up of several elements – Gothic art, Germanic reverie, the Bible, Milton and Shakespeare – to which were added Dante and a certain taste for linear designs, resembling geometric diagrams, and relates him to the great classical movement inspired by Winckelmann and propagated by David. This is the sole point of contact discernible between the classicism of David and English art, though furtive and indirect. Blake is the most mystic of the English painters, perhaps the only true mystic. He was ingenious in his inner imagination, and his interpretations of …

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14.799 CLP eBook EPUB
Art of War
Art of War
Sun Tzu, Victoria Charles

Over the course of history, many wars have changed the political and cultural landscape of our world. While these events are defined by their upheaval and violence, they frequently contribute to the formation of the identity of entire generations or groups of people, and thus have significant cultural effects. Despite the physical and emotional destruction that occurs during these turbulent periods, they have inspired prolific artistic creation. In the wake of traumatic events over the centuries, a myriad of artists have produced works that immortalise the most dramatic moments of these wars in order to establish them in history forever. …

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14.799 CLP eBook EPUB
Auguste Rodin
Auguste Rodin
Rainer Maria Rilke

Influenced by the masters of Antiquity, the genius of Michelangelo and Baroque sculpture, particularly of Bernini, Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) is one of the most renowned artists in history. Though Rodin is considered a founder of modern sculpture, he did not set out to critique past classical traditions. Many of his sculptures were criticised and considered controversial because of their sensuality or hyperrealist qualities. His most original works departed from traditional themes of mythology and allegory, and embraced the human body, celebrating individualism and physicality. This book uncovers the life and career of this highly acclaimed artist by exploring his most …

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14.320 CLP eBook EPUB
Impressions of Ukiyo-E
Impressions of Ukiyo-E
Dora Amsden, Dora Amsden, Woldemar von Seidlitz

Ukiyo-e (‘pictures of the floating world’) is a branch of Japanese art which originated during the period of prosperity in Edo (1615-1868). Characteristic of this period, the prints are the collective work of an artist, an engraver, and a printer. Created on account of their low cost thanks to the progression of the technique, they represent daily life, women, actors of kabuki theatre, or even sumo wrestlers. Landscape would also later establish itself as a favourite subject. Moronobu, the founder, Shunsho, Utamaro, Hokusai, and even Hiroshige are the most widely-celebrated artists of the movement. In 1868, Japan opened up to …

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14.799 CLP eBook EPUB
The Brueghels
The Brueghels
Emile Michel, Victoria Charles

Pieter Brueghel was the first important member of a family of artists who were active for four generations. Firstly a drawer before becoming a painter later, he painted religious themes, such as Babel Tower, with very bright colours. Influenced by Hieronymus Bosch, he painted large, complex scenes of peasant life and scripture or spiritual allegories, often with crowds of subjects performing a variety of acts, yet his scenes are unified with an informal integrity and often with wit. In his work, he brought a new humanising spirit. Befriending the Humanists, Brueghel composed true philosophical landscapes in the heart of which …

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14.259 CLP eBook EPUB
Gustave Courbet
Gustave Courbet
Georges Riat

Ornans, Courbet’s birthplace, is near the beautiful valley of the Doubs River, and it was here as a boy, and later as a man, that he absorbed the love of landscape. He was by nature a revolutionary, a man born to oppose existing order and to assert his independence; he had that quality of bluster and brutality which makes the revolutionary count in art as well as in politics. In both directions his spirit of revolt manifested itself. He went to Paris to study art, yet he did not attach himself to the studio of any of the prominent masters. …

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