Tendencias en búsquedas


The Proud Princess
The Proud Princess
Barbara Cartland

Having survived the 1871 siege of Paris with her mother the Queen of Dabrozka, Princess Ilona is summoned back to the war-ravaged kingdom of her father, a tyrannical monarch whose unjust rule has divided the nation into two factions: her own Radák people and the Sáros. Worse still, Russia threatens to march on Dabrozka to impose its iron-clad style of order.Only Ilona can save her country from this fate, by making a terrible sacrifice. At the Prime Minister’s request, she must marry the Prince of Sáros, their union bringing together the country. This she will do, but what her pride …

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A Paradise on Earth
A Paradise on Earth
Barbara Cartland

Lord Milton should be a happy man, owning an ancient title and a magnificent estate. But he is deep in debt and haunted by memories of the Crimea, where was a soldier that part of the Charge of the Light Brigade. To take his mind off the past, he eagerly accepts the suggestion of a friend to become the manager of a hotel in Brighton, called the Paradise Hotel. He decides to abandon his title and pass simply as John Milton. Then he meets a mysterious young lady who arrives suddenly and begs him to hide her from a man …

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A Teacher of Love
A Teacher of Love
Barbara Cartland

Lord Salwicke is a very rich but worried man. His beautiful daughter, Tasia, is already 20, which has dampened his hopes of her taking London by storm. Though not quite an old maid, he fears she may have missed her chance for wedded bliss. So he decides to take matters into his own hands and finds her a suitable husband. Tasia is not a young lady who likes being told what to do. Headstrong and stubborn she envisages marriage to a man who loves her, not a union of convenience to a man she hasn’t met. Determined to show her …

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A Battle of Brains
A Battle of Brains
Barbara Cartland

Daughter of the Earl of Longwood, a gentleman gambler, and the Countess of Longwood, society beauty Lady Yolanda Wood has an exciting if unconventional childhood travelling around the casinos and racecourses of Europe. Life changes dramatically after the tragic death of her father, and she and her ravishing mother are left penniless and alone. In mourning for her husband, and dependent on the kindness of self-made millionaire Oliver Garrack, the countess’ gratitude swiftly turns to romance and Yolanda finds herself with a stepfather she neither likes nor respects. When her mother suddenly dies, Yolanda begins to understand how much her …

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Danger to the Duke
Danger to the Duke
Barbara Cartland

Major Michael Moore has been playing a very dangerous part in the Great Game in India where he foils a plot to kill the viceroy, who tells Michael he is now a marked man and that he must return to England immediately. To his astonishment, on his way home he reads in a newspaper that following the death of his grandfather he has become the Duke of Grangemoore. When he reaches England, he decides he will not announce his arrival to the family solicitors as he wishes to visit Grangemoore Hall under another name to see for himself what the …

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A Princess Prays
A Princess Prays
Barbara Cartland

Heir to the throne of Valdina, beautiful Attila vows two things: to do everything in her power to return her beloved sick father, King Sigismund, to health, and to find true love. It seems that her stepmother, the scheming and selfish Queen Margit, has other plans. Desperate to marry Attila as quickly as possible to Prince Otto, a young man with a shadowy past, Queen Margit's eyes are set firmly on the throne for herself. And it seems she will stop at nothing to get her own way and rule Valdina alone. Turning to Father Jozsef, her childhood mentor, Attila …

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A Castle of Dreams
A Castle of Dreams
Barbara Cartland

Can money buy you happiness? Impoverished Lady Viola and her twin brother David Northcombe find that their fate has changed dramatically when their entrepreneurial father dies unexpectedly, leaving them a vast fortune. Returning home to England and still reeling from their dramatic change in circumstances, fate seems to have smiled on them when the handsome, but impoverished, Duke of Glentorran dramatically rescues them from the perils of the sea off the coast of Scotland. Loyal to his family and friends, the duke has little left but his pride and his determination to live up to his responsibilities to the people …

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The Magnificent Marquis
The Magnificent Marquis
Barbara Cartland

The handsome and very rich Marquis of Harlington has just ended yet another unsatisfactory love affair that has left him feeling bored with women and resigned to the fact that true love simply does not exist amongst the upper class echelons of Londont. Casting around for a speedy escape route, he is offered the perfect exit when the prime minister asks him to travel to Egypt and report on the Suez Canal, which is currently under construction. Delighted, the marquis visits his neighbour, Lord Durham, and is horrified to overhear him threatening to beat his daughter Delisia unless she agrees …

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Hungry for Love
Hungry for Love
Barbara Cartland

Beautiful young Araminta Sinclair’s world is turned topsy turvy when her brother Sir Harry loses 600 pounds at cards to the ruthless Marquis of Wayne. It seems that all is lost, but then Araminta has an idea! Using the superb culinary skills with which her epicure father endowed her and with the help of her uncle, General Sir Alexander Bracknell, she will earn the money to repay her brother’s debt of honour by posing as a chef. When her uncle boasts that his mysterious new cook rivals even the legendary Carême, the Prince Regent’s chef, the gentlemen at White’s cannot …

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Love Is Triumphant
Love Is Triumphant
Barbara Cartland
When Rosina's dear friend leapt to her death after the man she loved betrayed her, she vowed vengeance on all men. Rosina declared that no man could be trusted, including Sir John Crosby, member of parliament, whom she secretly loved since girlhood. Now a debutante, she is caught up in a whirl of social activity. An election was imminent and her father, Sir Elroy Clarendon, is favored to be made a government minister.
8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
Wanted - A Royal Wife
Wanted - A Royal Wife
Barbara Cartland

An unexpected letter from an old friend, His Royal Highness Prince Kraus of Oldessa, to the Duke of Norlington contains a surprise that could change the lives of the young duke and his ravishing sister, Lady Latasha, forever. Happily living on the Norlington family estate, quietly content amongst the lovely gardens and beauty of the English countryside, both siblings are astonished to learn that the prince is seeking the duke’s consent for his brother, Prince Stefan, to ask for Latasha’s hand in marriage. Appalled at the thought of marrying a man she has never met, Latasha quickly realises that this …

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Bride to a Brigand
Bride to a Brigand
Barbara Cartland

The beautiful Princess Ileana is virtually the ruler of Zokala because her father, the king, has been in a coma for over six months. Enjoying the freedom her father's illness allows her, she is shaken when the prime minister informs her that a large number of brigands under the leadership of General Vladilas have entered the country uninvited and are camping in the mountains. The princess discovers that her army and its aging generals have no intelligence of this potential threat and no strategy to protect their people. A fearless rider and experienced mountain climber, Ileana sets off to see …

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