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Sex and More Sex
Sex and More Sex
Christopher Cherry

Mostly about erotic, sexual gratification, the theme of this sex book concerns a stormy four-year sexual relationship with someone called Nice. A very beautiful person, Nice is quite incapable of returning love, or any kind of real concern for anybody. Most people with normal responses would be sickened by this story, in fact, it would crush most people. Through the tears, regrets, moods, and all the promises, Nice finally hits the drug scene, and learns how to rob and steal from tourists, eventually landing in jail. Nice finally reveals he hates all foreigners, period. This sex book gives a great …

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8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
Barbara Emrys, Miguel Ruiz

Don Miguel Ruiz, the author of the classic The Four Agreements and one of the most influential spiritual leaders in the world today, offers students of mystery a new path of knowledge through the most powerful force in the universe: love. We often see love as something to be achieved and conquered. We turn love into a fight for control, we insist on setting conditions and we negotiate with it. But love is not what we have been taught to believe. It is not the set of hopes and expectations that we have been taught to represent. It is not a game …

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5.760 CLP eBook EPUB
My Dears
My Dears
Ruth Snary
Mother and I corresponded weekly for over 50 years. Thirty years ago, I began to keep her letters. Recently I decided to collate some in a book so others could share my delight in reading them. They paint a vivid picture of her life, her interests, and enthusiasms, and are lively, funny, and informative, still making me smile when I read them. Letter writing is somewhat of a dying art because of modern methods of communication, so this is a small attempt to preserve one aspect of our social history.
8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
Heaven Above the Heavens
Heaven Above the Heavens
World Government Jamigug

Do you want to go to heaven? To learn how, read Heaven Above the Heavens. Heaven and hell are thought to be imaginary, but they really do exist. No religion can make you repent your sins and lead you to heaven. Instead, you have to meet heaven to repent. Only through the ?voice,? will you know whether you are forgiven. It is only at Jamigug, where you can meet and listen to the voice of heaven. The name of the nation establishing a world government is called Jamigug. This book explains that heaven, the center of the human race, exists …

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9.188 CLP eBook EPUB
The Actor
The Actor
Barbara Emys, Miguel Ruiz

Dramatic Art represents the first course in a series of Mystery School books by don Miguel Ruiz and Barbara Emrys. Using a classroom setting, this fascinating course explores human behavior from the point of view of the artist. Artists reflect life. Artists mirror the human condition, and they share their vision with the world. There are many kinds of artists, but this course is about acting and actors. Acting is our first learned skill– even before language, and even before we stand up to walk. We begin our lives as mimics. We watch, we listen, and we imitate. We are …

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5.760 CLP eBook EPUB
The Origin of Life
The Origin of Life
ThomasJ.│Quevedo Holstein
Professors Quevedo and Holstein present a summary overview of scientific analyses on The Origin of Life written for the general audience. From the early stifling of science in conflict with the church to NASA's "Yellow Brick Road," the master plan for research into the origin of life, Quevedo and Holstein offer an easy-to-understand summary of where scientists are today on the subject of life science.
8.270 CLP eBook PDF
Jiddu Krishnamurti

The passages in this study book have been taken directly from J. Krishnamurti’s talks and books from 1933 through 1967. The compilers began by reading all the passages from this period that contained the word action, the theme of this book. This would not have been possible without the use of a full-text computer database produced by the Krishnamurti Foundation Trust of England. Over 750 passages were studied in all, and the aspects of "action" most frequently addressed by Krishnamurti were noted. These aspects then formed the outline for the contents of this book. The material selected has not been …

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8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
The nun who pawned her Ferrari
The nun who pawned her Ferrari
Rowland Rose

Rowland Rose immerses us in the passionate adventure of a woman’s search for answers to a life without meaning, and her ultimate arrival at the true meaning of life. This inspiring book shows how it is possible, even when sunk at the lowest, to ascend to the highest levels of spirituality. A true mystical and spiritual guide.

9.610 CLP eBook EPUB
Historic Maritime Maps
Historic Maritime Maps
Cocinar Hoy, Donald Wigal, Enrico Medail

This book presents a selection of oceanic charts dating from the 13th to the 17th century. Though to us they may appear rudimentary, they bear excellent witness to the achievements of the early European navigators, and to their determination to explore the very ends of the Earth. What the charts may lack in geographical accuracy they undoubtedly make up for in charm. And of course they are priceless historical records. Recounting the epic voyages of maritime exploration, from Erik the Red to Robert Peary, author Donald Wigal leads us on an exciting journey from Terra Incognita to the World As …

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16.232 CLP eBook EPUB
Empowering you, empowering her
Empowering you, empowering her
Marty Seldman, Mónica Bauer, Paula Santilli

Let’s be a force that brings development and equality to women worldwide by helping them realize their professional goals!

Women’s economic power is critical to the pressing recovery of the global economy. PepsiCo’s LatAm executives Paula Santilli and Mónica Bauer, together with business coach Marty Seldman, know that unleashing that power is not easy—women today face many challenges in their social, economic, and work environments. This is why with this book they aim to raise women’s self-confidence, by giving them the necessary tools to stimulate their personal and professional development. Their twelve rules will unlock women’s full potential …

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6.500 CLP eBook EPUB
El secreto
El secreto
Javier Vásconez

El señor Gómez, jefe de la oficina, se acerca a Camacho y le dice: «...el secreto está en levantarse temprano, desayunar, leer el periódico, vivir al día y superar los sueños con el trabajo». Pero Rubén Camacho lleva algo dentro de él que va a estallar. Un secreto como una bestia negra. Un lobo que acecha la ciudad. Basado en el asesino conocido Daniel Camargo Barbosa uno de los asesinos más famosos, terribles y extraños de Latinoamérica. En el momento de su detención se le encontró con obras de Dostoievski y Vargas Llosa. Tenía el perfil de una persona con una …

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2.066 CLP eBook EPUB
From Bushman to Bush
From Bushman to Bush
Farhoud Rastegar
An eighteen year old Iranian immigrant to the USA writes a modern history of Iran.
8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
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