
Miguel Ángel - Ningún artista, nunca en la vida, conseguirá lograr esta perfección.
Miguel Ángel - Ningún artista, nunca en la vida, conseguirá lograr esta perfección.
Eugène Müntz

La leyenda de Miguel Ángel (1475-1564) ha permanecido incólume durante quinientos años. Eruditos como Chateaubriand, Manzoni y Rilke vieron en él un maestro de la renovación del arte occidental. En efecto, dotado con un genio creativo casi sobrehumano, Miguel Ángel encarna al “hombre universal” del Renacimiento italiano, y la calidad y alcance de su obra son incomparables, ni siquiera en el caso de Leonardo da Vinci -obras como la Piedad, el David y los frescos de la Capilla Sixtina son prueba de ello. ¿Cómo fue capaz, en tan pocos años, de desarrollar los métodos de una obra digna de sus …

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Gustav Klimt
Gustav Klimt
Jane Rogoyska, Patrick Bade

“I am not interested in myself as a subject for painting, but in others, particularly women…”Beautiful, sensuous and above all erotic, Gustav Klimt’s paintings speak of a world of opulence and leisure, which seems aeons away from the harsh, post-modern environment we live in now. The subjects he treats – allegories, portraits, landscapes and erotic figures – contain virtually no reference to external events, but strive rather to create a world where beauty, above everything else, is dominant. His use of colour and pattern was profoundly influenced by the art of Japan, ancient Egypt, and Byzantium. Ravenne, the flat, two-dimensional …

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The Story of Lingerie
The Story of Lingerie
Muriel Barbier

What is the social merit or purpose of all those bras and panties on perfectly sculpted bodies that we see spread across billboards and magazines? Many women indulge in lingerie to please men. Yet, ever since Antiquity, women have always kept lingerie hidden away under outer garments. Thus, lingerie must be more than erotic bait. Authors Muriel Barbier and Shazia Boucher have researched iconography to explore the relationship of lingerie to society, the economy and the corridors of intimacy. They correlate lingerie with emancipation, querying whether it asserts newfound freedoms or simply adjusts to conform to changing social values. The …

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Art of Vietnam
Art of Vietnam
Catherine Noppe, Jean-François Hubert
Since the foundation of the Au Lac kingdom three centuries ago – famous for their bronze drums and their magnificent artilleries – until the works of the painters from the Ecole des Beaux-Arts of Indochina, created in Hanoi in 1925, the arts of Vietnam have been marked by its profoundly original cultures and the fusion between Asia and the Occident. The modern Vietnamese civilization has therefore inherited a very rich and multifaceted history.
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Nikodim Pavlovich Kondakov
Icon painting has reached its zenith in Ukraine between the 11th and 18th centuries. This art is appealing because of its great openness to other influences – the obedience to the rules of Orthodox Christianity in its early stages, the borrowing from Roman heritage or later to the Western breakthroughs – combined with a never compromised assertion of a distinctly Slavic soul and identity. This book presents a handpicked and representative selection of works from the 11th century to the late Baroque period.
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Ukiyo-e - grabado japonés
Ukiyo-e - grabado japonés
Dora Amsden, Woldemar von Seidlitz

Ukiyo-e, imágenes del universo en mutación, es el nombre de un género artístico nacido en Japón durante el próspero período Edo (1615-1868). Estas impresiones típicas son resultado del trabajo colectivo entre un artista, un grabador y un impresor. Su auge y desarrollo se debió, en gran parte, a que los avances de la técnica permitieron una producción en serie accesible para muchos habitantes. Estas estampas representan escenas de la vida cotidiana, retratos de mujeres, actores del teatro Kabouki o luchadores de Sumo. Los paisajes también fueron uno de los temas recurrentes. El fundador del movimiento, Moronobu, y también artistas como …

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Andrea Mantegna and the Italian Renaissance
Andrea Mantegna and the Italian Renaissance
Joseph Manca

Mantegna; humanist, geometrist, archaeologist, of great scholastic and imaginative intelligence, dominated the whole of northern Italy by virtue of his imperious personality. Aiming at optical illusion, he mastered perspective. He trained in painting at the Padua School where Donatello and Paolo Uccello had previously attended. Even at a young age commissions for Andrea’s work flooded in, for example the frescos of the Ovetari Chapel of Padua. In a short space of time Mantegna found his niche as a modernist due to his highly original ideas and the use of perspective in his works. His marriage with Nicolosia Bellini, the sister …

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Erotic Photography
Erotic Photography
Alexandre Dupouy
Erotic photo art has lost much of its exquisite soul since Playboy and other girlie monthlies repackaged the human body for mass-market consumption. Like much painting, sculpture and engraving, since its beginning photography has also been at the service of eroticism. This collection presents erotic photographs from the beginning of photography until the years just before World War II. It explores the evolution of the genre and its origins in France, and its journey from public distrust to the large audience it enjoys today.
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Michelangelo da Caravaggio
Michelangelo da Caravaggio
Félix Witting, M.L. Patrizi, M.L. Patrizi, Felix Witting

After staying in Milan for his apprenticeship, Michelangelo da Caravaggio arrived in Rome in 1592. There he started to paint with both realism and psychological analysis of the sitters. Caravaggio was as temperamental in his painting as in his wild life. As he also responded to prestigious Church commissions, his dramatic style and his realism were seen as unacceptable. Chiaroscuro had existed well before he came on the scene, but it was Caravaggio who made the technique definitive, darkening the shadows and transfixing the subject in a blinding shaft of light. His influence was immense, firstly through those who were …

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Salvador Dalí  «Yo soy el surrealismo»
Salvador Dalí «Yo soy el surrealismo»
Eric Shanes, Victoria Charles

Salvador Dalí (1904-1989), conocido principalmente por su estilo único y grandilocuente, puede presumir de un repertorio extraordinario donde concurren cine, escultura, fotografía y, por supuesto, pintura. Mientras que su nombre es a menudo asociado, con razón, al surrealismo, Dalí demostró su maestría en géneros tan dispares como el clasicismo, el modernismo y el cubismo. No por menos, supone una figura crucial en la historia del arte que ha inspirado innumerables libros y estudios. En este volumen los lectores podrán encontrar una fascinante apreciación de la vida y obra de uno de los pioneros del arte que más controversia y excitación …

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English Painting
English Painting
Ernest Chesneau

The English school of painting was officially recognised at the beginning of the 18th century through the work of William Hogarth. It includes works by the most famous English artists, such as Thomas Gainsborough, Joseph Mallord William Turner, John Constable, Edward Burne-Jones, and Dante Gabriel Rossetti. This subject is introduced with a very unique text, published in 1882: a French study of English pictorial art. The author, Ernest Chesneau, was highly-cultured, an art historian and inspector of Fine Arts. He explains the beginnings of this school which excels in portraiture and landscapes, and reminds us of the English brilliance regarding …

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William Blake
William Blake
Osbert Burdett

Poet, draughtsman, engraver and painter, William Blake’s work is made up of several elements – Gothic art, Germanic reverie, the Bible, Milton and Shakespeare – to which were added Dante and a certain taste for linear designs, resembling geometric diagrams, and relates him to the great classical movement inspired by Winckelmann and propagated by David. This is the sole point of contact discernible between the classicism of David and English art, though furtive and indirect. Blake is the most mystic of the English painters, perhaps the only true mystic. He was ingenious in his inner imagination, and his interpretations of …

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