
Virginia Pitts Rembert

Hieronymus Bosch was painting frightening, yet vaguely likable monsters long before computer games were ever invented, often including a touch of humour. His works are assertive statements about the mental illness that befalls any man who abandons the teachings of Christ. With a life that spanned from 1450 to 1516, Bosch experienced the drama of the highly charged Renaissance and its wars of religion. Medieval tradition and values were crumbling, paving the way to thrust man into a new universe where faith lost some of its power and much of its magic. Bosch set out to warn doubters of the …

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Piet Mondrian
Piet Mondrian
Virginia Pitts Rembert

Pioneer and leader of the abstract art movement, Piet Mondrian (1872-1944) was known for his straight lines and pure colours. Fascinated by the mathematical laws of the universe, this Dutch artist nourished his work with his scientific discoveries and created a new abstract language alongside his allies Wassily Kandinsky and Fernand Léger. As his investigations advanced, his works purified and intensified to the rhythm of the travels and encounters that he enjoyed. Recognised during his lifetime as the founder of an avant-garde movement, he propagated his knowledge and his artistic vision to illustrious architects and stylists and still today remains …

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Peter Paul Rubens
Peter Paul Rubens
Maria Varshavskaya, Xenia Yegorova
Universally celebrated for his rosy and concupiscent nudes, Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) was an artist whose first concern was sensuality in all its forms. This Baroque master devoted himself to a lifelong celebration of the joys and wonders of the physical realm. He felt that the human body was as lovely and natural as the many natural landscapes he painted as a young man. In a lushly illustrated text, María Varshavskaya and Xenia Yegorova explore the master at work, bringing a unique focus to Ruben’s life and work
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Paul Klee
Paul Klee
Paul Klee
An emblematic figure of the early 20th century, Paul Klee participated in the expansive Avant-Garde movements in Germany and Switzerland. From the vibrant Blaue Reiter movement to Surrealism at the end of the 1930s and throughout his teaching years at the Bauhaus, he attempted to capture the organic and harmonic nature of painting by alluding to other artistic mediums such as poetry, literature, and, above all, music. While he collaborated with artists like August Macke and Alexej von Jawlensky, his most famous partnership was with the abstract expressionist, Wassily Kandinsky.
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Art of the Devil
Art of the Devil
Arturo Graf

“The Devil holds the strings which move us!” (Charles Baudelaire, The Flowers of Evil, 1857.) Satan, Beelzebub, Lucifer… the Devil has many names and faces, all of which have always served artists as a source of inspiration. Often commissioned by religious leaders as images of fear or veneration, depending on the society, representations of the underworld served to instruct believers and lead them along the path of righteousness. For other artists, such as Hieronymus Bosch, they provided a means of denouncing the moral decrepitude of one’s contemporaries. In the same way, literature dealing with the Devil has long offered inspiration …

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Emile Michel, Émile Michel
Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669) has long been considered one of the greatest artists in European history. His paintings have launched imitations and homages, including best-selling novels, a recent TV series, and even a handful of popular films. Now, for the first time, this lovely text by Émile Michel is paired with carefully curated selections from Rembrandt’s portfolio to illuminate the history and work of this celebrated master of light.
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Miguel Ángel - Ningún artista, nunca en la vida, conseguirá lograr esta perfección.
Miguel Ángel - Ningún artista, nunca en la vida, conseguirá lograr esta perfección.
Eugène Müntz

La leyenda de Miguel Ángel (1475-1564) ha permanecido incólume durante quinientos años. Eruditos como Chateaubriand, Manzoni y Rilke vieron en él un maestro de la renovación del arte occidental. En efecto, dotado con un genio creativo casi sobrehumano, Miguel Ángel encarna al “hombre universal” del Renacimiento italiano, y la calidad y alcance de su obra son incomparables, ni siquiera en el caso de Leonardo da Vinci -obras como la Piedad, el David y los frescos de la Capilla Sixtina son prueba de ello. ¿Cómo fue capaz, en tan pocos años, de desarrollar los métodos de una obra digna de sus …

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Émile Gallé
An icon in the Art Nouveau movement, Émile Gallé (1846-1904) sought to portray the beauty and simplicity of nature in his glass art. His designs, referred to as “poetry in glass”, range from fine pottery to jewellery to furniture. Everything Gallé produced contains traces of his masterful technique which reflects his innovativeness as an artist and his skill as a designer. In this rich text, Gallé unravels the beauty and ingenuity found within his own work.
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Taiwan Art & Civilization
Taiwan Art & Civilization
Hsiu-Huei Wang

Taiwan's specific situation in Asia is the source of its thorn past. Situated in the South East of China, Taiwan was at the crossroads of many maritime routes and squeezed between its neighbors, China and Japan. After centuries of foreign occupation, Taiwan has a unique history. Taiwan, Art and Civilization sheds light on Taiwan's beautiful scenery as well as its colorful history in the form of a true initiatory trip. Through magnificent illustrations, Taiwan reveals its secret beauty, its fauna and flora intertwined with its unique architecture. Home of the traditional and the modern, the gorgeous island is also the …

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Rembrandt - Uno de los grandes profetas de la civilización»
Rembrandt - Uno de los grandes profetas de la civilización»
Émile Michel
Un cuadro de Rembrandt es una entidad viva que existe según sus propias leyes, que refleja la multiplicidad de pensamientos y de emociones presentes en la mente del pintor. El hombre y su disposición mental: éste es el problema fundamental que ocupa al artista a lo largo de toda su vida. Atormentado por problemas familiares, se refugió en la pintura, la cual se volvía más suntuosa a medida que las cosas empeoraban, como si fuera pintada por un visionario. Enmascarando su angustia bajo el optimismo de sus temas y la fuerza de sus colores sombríos, salió victorioso.
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Leonardo Da Vinci - Artist, Painter of the Renaissance
Leonardo Da Vinci - Artist, Painter of the Renaissance
Eugène Müntz
“Studying nature with passion, and all the independence proper to his character, he could not fail to combine precision with liberty, and truth with beauty. It is in this final emancipation, this perfect mastery of modelling, of illumination, and of expression, this breadth and freedom, that the master’s raison d’être and glory consist. Others may have struck out new paths also; but none travelled further or mounted higher than he.” (Eugène Müntz)
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Hieronymus Bosch
Hieronymus Bosch
Virginia Pitts Rembert

Hieronymus Bosch was painting terrifying, yet strangely likeable, monsters, long before computer games were invented, often with a touch of humour. His works are assertive statements about the mental dangers that befall those who abandon the teachings of Christ. With a life that spanned from 1450 to 1516, Bosch was born at the height of the Renaissance and witnessed its wars of religion. Medieval traditions and values were crumbling, thrusting man into a new universe where faith had lost some of its power and much of its magic. Bosch set out to warn doubters of the perils awaiting all and …

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