Resultados de la búsqueda para: "love"

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Family and Love
Family and Love
Paul Tagney

Originally written in 1969, when he was twenty-four, Paul’s book initially describes his early years in Bristol, England, a brief torrid equatorial experience, and subsequent immigration by ship to Canada in 1953. Numerous challenges and adaptations spring from this major uprooting. We share them through Paul’s interesting and descriptive record of growing up in the fifties and sixties, initially in rural Alberta, followed by later childhood and adolescent experiences in a small town on the Ottawa River, west of Montreal. Next comes life in Montreal during the sixties, with all the social, cultural, and musical changes. As Paul’s story goes …

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8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
My love story
My love story

“Love’s got everything to do with it.” Tina Turner es la reina del Rock ‘n’ Roll, un icono musical que celebra sesenta años en la industria musical. En esta dramática autobiografía cuenta la historia de toda una vida tras los focos. Desde sus inicios en Nutbush, Tennessee, pasando por su salto a la fama con Ike Turner y el extraordinario éxito como solista de los ochenta; Tina examina cándidamente su vida personal, desde los momentos duros hasta los más felices. Escrito con su característica mezcla de fuerza, energía, corazón y alma, “My Love Story” es una apasionante autobiografía tan vibrante …

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24.900 CLP Papel
5.760 CLP eBook EPUB
We love Billie Eilish
We love Billie Eilish
¿Conoces realmente a Billie Eilish?¡Entérate de todo sobre tu megaestrella favorita en este libro! Descubre cómo escribe Billie sus canciones, lo que la inspira, cómo canaliza su estilo único, ¡y mucho más! Con fotografías increíbles, tests, datos y citas del icono musical.Únete a Billie detrás de los bastidores y en la gira mientras rompe todos los récords en su camino a la cima.
7.021 CLP eBook PDF
What for
What for
Mauricio Macri

LESSONS ON LEADERSHIP AND POWER TO WIN THE SECOND HALF OF THE GAME.One never knows when you are going to find your true vocation, but if there is one thing I have learned, it is to not accept things as they are presented to us and to always be open. This is like love; it is a vibration you only feel in your heart. We should never resign ourselves to living without love or not finding our vocation. They are out there, waiting for us. It is about finding them. They are our what for.This book is about the mysterious …

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11.781 CLP eBook EPUB
Fifty Years of Gathering, Fishing, and Unusual Animal Encounters
Fifty Years of Gathering, Fishing, and Unusual Animal Encounters
Joseph S. Lunkas

Fifty Years of Gathering, Fishing, and Unusual Animal Encounters: Lessons Learned of a Michigan Outdoorsman is part of the culmination of author Joe Lunkas’ fascinating experiences during hid over 50 years as an outdoorsman. Artfully presented, organized, and integrated, these stories strongly convey the messages and their true meanings derived from his outdoor journey of learning. This book will ignite the flame in the hearts and minds of both novice and veterans of the outdoors, infusing a deep appreciation, respect, and love for nature. The healing and rejuvenating solitude, thought-provoking atmosphere, and the pure personal enjoyment experienced in the wild …

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8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
Laura Ramos

Love of Lesbian, Vetusta Morla, Sidonie, Lori Meyers y León Benavente. Las cinco bandas indie más populares de España revelan los secretos de sus giras de la mano de sus Tour Managers

Love of Lesbian, Vetusta Morla, Sidonie, Lori Meyers y León Benavente. Cinco iconos del indie español son los protagonistas de este libro gracias a las confidencias de sus Tours Managers, los encargados de organizar sus giras. Son la cara oculta de unas bandas que mueven masas aquí y al otro lado del Atlántico, pero desde la sombra lo controlan y lo saben todo: sus rituales antes de …

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8.500 CLP eBook EPUB
What's Next?
What's Next?
Ed.D. Douglass

Gospel singer George David Priest and his wife, Bonnie, were married just seven weeks when George was diagnosed with terminal malignant melanoma. In this remarkably poignant and heartfelt narrative, you will discover how their faith in God brings the light of hope while in the depths of despair. Personal conversations between George and Bonnie shed light on the differences between religion and a relationship with God. Their tale provides important information on prevention and treatment of malignant melanoma and palliative care options. "What an astounding book! I thoroughly enjoyed the references to Dr. Kübler-Ross which added to the discussion. Thank …

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8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
Fifty Years of Deer-Stand Reflections, a Memoir of a Michigan Master Deer Hunter - MFE-C
Fifty Years of Deer-Stand Reflections, a Memoir of a Michigan Master Deer Hunter - MFE-C
Joe Lunkas

Fifty Years of Deer-Stand Reflections, a Memoir of a Michigan Master Deer Hunter is the culmination of author Joe Lunkas’ fascinating experiences over many years of hunting deer. Artfully presented, organized, and integrated, these stories strongly convey the messages, and their true meanings, derived from his outdoor journey of learning. This is a book that will ignite the flame in the hearts and minds of hunters, both newcomers and veterans of the sport, infusing a deep appreciation, respect, and love for nature. The healing and rejuvenating solitude, thought provoking atmosphere, and the pure personal enjoyment experienced in the deer-stand can …

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8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
God is a Coleman Lantern
God is a Coleman Lantern
Connie Darlene Stewart

For anyone who has ever wanted to become a better person, this book will truly inspire. God Is a Coleman Lantern is the autobiography of Connie Darlene Stewart, a woman who has dedicated her life to following in the footsteps of Mother Teresa, helping the homeless and poor in the Phoenix area. From collecting outdated canned goods from a local supermarket, to oily rags and blankets from a local mechanic, Stewart helped the homeless in her community one donation at a time. She later created a "ministry on wheels" and traveled the California Coast, providing food, clothing, and supplies to …

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8.270 CLP eBook EPUB
I, Mother of an Addict
I, Mother of an Addict
Desirée Bujanda Misle

If you're afraid to lose someone you love because of consumption of alcohol, other drugs or addictive behavior (compulsive gambling, addiction to food, videogames, sex, social network), I invite you to know my experience so that you may take the first step and achieve your loved one's recovery together.During my son's treatment I decided to share my experience, from my deepest intimacy, and help those that might be inside that maze with no exits. My experience in the beginning is painful, filled with guilt and shame, but later on turns satisfactory, filled with learning. It is very important to let …

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4.165 CLP eBook EPUB
En el cuerpo correcto
En el cuerpo correcto
Varios autores

Una historia apasionante y dolorosa sobre el coraje de convertirse en una misma.

Una historia de valentía y fortaleza de espíritu que retrata la vida de Morganna Love, una cantante mexicana de ópera que luchó contra los prejuicios de la sociedad y el rechazo de su propia familia para poder cumplir su sueño: ser la mujer plena que es hoy en día.

"Les diré esto: soy Morganna, una mujer transexual que ha luchado por hallar su lugar en el mundo [...] Tuve que bucear en aguas profundas, sumergirme para extraer mis recuerdos, los más dolorosos, …

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6.500 CLP eBook EPUB
Kurt Cobain

Los Diarios de Kurt Cobain constituyen la mejor biografía del artista. Las cartas, dibujos, comentarios humorísticos y esbozos de letras de canciones de su puño y letra permiten el acercamiento y la comprensión de su vida y de su muerte.

Kurt Cobain, vocalista y compositor del trío Nirvana, se suicidó pegándose un tiro a los veintisiete años cuando era la estrella del rock más influyente de su generación.

Desde los años ochenta hasta mediados de los noventa llevó un diario donde plasmó sus pensamientos más íntimos. En estas páginas se dan a conocer, de un modo descarnado, los primeros …

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