
Innovation in Pharmacy
Innovation in Pharmacy
Organizer Committee IPAP18 – Salamanca

This book contains the summaries of the "Innovations in Pharmacy: Advances and Perspectives" that took place in Salamanca (Spain) in September 2018. The early science of chemistry and microbiology were the source of most drugs until the revolution of genetic engineering in the mid 1970s. Then biotechnology made available novel protein agents such as interferons, blood factors and monoclonal antibodies that have changed the modern pharmacy. Over the past year, a new pharmacy of oligonucleotides has emerged from the science of gene expression such as RNA splicing and RNA interference. The ability to design therapeutic agents from genomic sequences will …

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Empiricism and analytical tools for 21 Century applied linguistics
Empiricism and analytical tools for 21 Century applied linguistics
The present volume follows an open-access publication policy, offering access to the multimedia files of the plenary lectures whose authors agreed to their publication and the Language Learning special roundtable, as well as a selection of the written versions of the papers presented at the 29th International Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA), 86 of which were accepted for publication after a double-blind selection process and are collected in this volume.
7.440 CLP eBook PDF
Underwater Archeology
Underwater Archeology
Fundación Cultural Armella Spitalier

The attraction that men have had for water bodies along history offers us today the chance to discover a wonderful world of submerged cultural and historical remains. Underwater archeology implies a series of challenges and risks that turn underwater exploration into a fascinating professional exercise, a rediscovery exploit and a natural preservation lesson that comes from a historical past that we thought had been forever lost.

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Sketches of Valencia
Sketches of Valencia
David Rhead, José Antonio Marín Uribe
The book brings together 16 "sketches" of the life,culture and history of the city of Valencia.It is of particular interest to those who live in the city or, indeed, anyone else who is interested in finding out something about its customs and traditions.It is also an enjoyable way for students of English to get to know the city through English texts which will help in their study of specific vocabulary and English narrative structures.
8.260 CLP eBook PDF
Hans Holbein the younger
Hans Holbein the younger
Jeanette Zwingenberger

Hans Holbein the Younger (1497-1543) is one of the greatest portrait painters of the 16th century. A keen observer of his era, Holbein became the court painter of Henry VIII and his sundry wives. His talent was established at the early age of 18 when he illustrated Erasmus’manuscript The Praise of Folly. Holbein’s wide range of pursuits included not only painting, drawing, book illustration and designing stained-glass windows, jewellery and luxury objects, but also fanciful trompe l’œil murals and architecture. The breadth of his activities allows one to describe him as a genuine European artist. But his speciality was anamorphosis, …

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International Conference on social E-xperiences 2012
International Conference on social E-xperiences 2012
Amalia Creus, Sandra Sanz

This book is a compilation of the works presented on Network 1 of the BCN Meeting 2012 International Congress: Communication and Learning in the Digital Age, held in Barcelona in July 2012.
The Network opened an space for researchers, teachers, professionals and doctorate students from many countries around the world to discuss contemporary social experiences connected to the use of communication and information technologies, especially those referring to new ways and strategies of generating and sharing knowledge.
During the conference we were all challenged to think more creatively about ways to understand, explore and study the processes of social change that come …

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Search and research
Search and research

Descripción / Resumen (Inglés): The present volume represents a compilation of international teacher education practice and research with a focus on Teacher Education for Contemporary Contexts. It draws upon the diverse educational perspectives, teaching procedures, knowledge, and situated contexts where the discipline takes shape. 

The sections of this book comprise research papers accepted for presentation during the 18th International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) Biennial Conference that will take place from July 3rd to July 7th in Salamanca, Spain. Around 300 delegates from 57 countries across the globe and a large Scientific Committee of 80 colleagues have contributed academically and …

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The Art of Cigar Band
The Art of Cigar Band
Philippe Mesmer

Cigar-bands have sdorned cigars for more than 150 years. Until World War I they were produced and printed to the hightest quality using the best methods available, with the result that many cigar-bands of the time are genuine works of art. Images depicted on the bands are varied, but specific themes may be distinguished – flowers and foliage, for example, or heraldic ‘charges’, or of course portraits of contemporary rulers and celebrities. This book features nearly 1,800 cigar-bands drawn from the collection of Roger van Reeth, including some of the most beautiful, some of the rarest and some of the …

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Higher Evolution Processes
Higher Evolution Processes
Germán Martín Castro «Prometeus»

Serious problems affecting humanity and the world. Questions of ultimate importance. Could it be that the thinking human being cannot find the way to live with dignity and, therefore, is unable to solve problems? Does this human incompetence come from limited genetic development or a lack of culture and education? Do the answers to these questions prevent or promote the fact that violence, power, and wealth/money are believed to be the forces that govern human life? Could it be, perhaps, that because of the reality behind these questions, human beings are unable to use their vital capacities to act and …

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The Essence of Maya
The Essence of Maya
Luis Alberto Martos López

Of all pre-Hispanic cultures, the Maya have perhaps attracted the most attention on the part of archaeologists and historians. Their cultural proliferation, their extraordinary scientific contributions, and their epic survival have given rise to eccentric myths and even supernatural connotations. With the confusing array of texts, predictions, studies, and suppositions, we need to step back and ask: What is, in fact, the essence of Maya? This first volume in the series Discover the Maya World sheds light on the features that define and frame Mayanist studies, from the earliest examples onward, leading to a detailed analysis of the identity, architecture, …

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Applied video technologies for events and conferences
Applied video technologies for events and conferences

The world of video technologies is an exciting field due to the vast amount of systems and applications in which the video signal is critical. Nowadays, there are many amateur and professional activities and applications in which the practical knowledge of video signals, systems, processing, displaying and broadcasting is essential. Thus, many profiles demand training in video technologies. This manual is focused on the specific environment of events and conferences. That is why the manual deals with the video technologies used in conference rooms, concerts, theatre, AV performances, etc. The contents si presented in three levels of difficulty: basic, intermediate and …

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20.190 CLP eBook PDF
Philippe Mesmer

For generations now, it has been possible to separate cigar-lovers into two major categories: those who prefer Havanas, and those who don't. It is a difference that can be as crucial to those involved as, say, the difference between full-bodied red wine and sweet white. Certainly, to anyone who enjoys proper tobacco, lighting up a Havana cigar is the first step towards utter hedonism. With wit and skill, Philippe Mesmer makes a forthrightly chauvinistic comparison between the attractions of women, of spiritous liquors and of the Havana cigar. Plentiful illustrations include old and rare scenic cigar-bands, some with images of …

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