
Challenges are our Business
Challenges are our Business
Gustavo Cisneros

«My family and I feel so fortunate that my father's wisdom and zest for new challenges — both in business and life — live on in this valuable gift to guide us into the future.» - ADRIANA CISNEROS-At 18 years old, Diego Cisneros spent all his savings on the down payment of a truck in Caracas. He never imagined that this would be the first step in building a family business that has grown, transformed, and reinvented itself countless times over a century, eventually becoming a transnational conglomerate leading over 30 companies in the communication, telecom, publicity, tourism, and real …

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13.685 CLP eBook EPUB
Faith of the Butterfly
Faith of the Butterfly
Susannah Dawn

Faith of the Butterfly is Susannah’s two-year journey of reinvention and overcoming the pains of her past while, in her own words, deciding to be “done with boxes.” It’s a story that begins with that first day in Sephora, and follows the transition from her painful closet into a cocoon from which she was finally able to reemerge into the world. It was not an easy journey, with deep and emotionally painful valleys scattered along her path, yet her path also included some amazing miracles, and her faith only grew during her travels. One of the key aspects of her …

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10.232 CLP eBook EPUB
The Lewy Body Disease. A circumstance in my life
The Lewy Body Disease. A circumstance in my life
Selva Marasco

This book shows the world of feelings of the affected person. Selva captures it finely in its pages and tells it chronologically from the most incipient steps in the reception of a diagnosis to the full assumption of a reality.To be able to access this knowledge is a jewel not to be missed by anyone interested in Lewy Body Disease: professionals, people affected, carers. But this is not the greatest achievement of the writing; the book manages to pierce the layer of general ignorance on the subject, allowing to know, raise awareness and assume the existence of this disease, unknown …

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8.273 CLP eBook EPUB
The Uncaged Sky
The Uncaged Sky
Kylie Moore Gilbert

On September 12, 2018 British-Australian academic Kylie Moore-Gilbert was arrested at Tehran Airport by Iran’s feared Islamic Revolutionary Guards. Convicted of espionage in a shadowy trial presided over by Iran’s most notorious judge, Dr Moore-Gilbert was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Incarcerated in Tehran’s Evin and Qarchak prisons for 804 days, this is the full and gripping account of her harrowing ordeal. Held in a filthy solitary confinement cell for months, and subjected to relentless interrogation, Kylie was pushed to the limits of her endurance by extreme physical and psychological deprivation. Kylie’s only lifeline was the covert friendships she …

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10.299 CLP eBook EPUB
Historic Maritime Maps
Historic Maritime Maps
Cocinar Hoy, Donald Wigal, Enrico Medail

This book presents a selection of oceanic charts dating from the 13th to the 17th century. Though to us they may appear rudimentary, they bear excellent witness to the achievements of the early European navigators, and to their determination to explore the very ends of the Earth. What the charts may lack in geographical accuracy they undoubtedly make up for in charm. And of course they are priceless historical records. Recounting the epic voyages of maritime exploration, from Erik the Red to Robert Peary, author Donald Wigal leads us on an exciting journey from Terra Incognita to the World As …

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16.232 CLP eBook EPUB
The confessions of arsène Lupin. The gentleman thief
The confessions of arsène Lupin. The gentleman thief
Maurice Leblanc

Arsène Lupin, the monocled Gentleman Thief is a mixture of Sherlock Holmes and Robin Hood, stealing from the wealthy and offering to the less fortunate. Those whom he defeats are worse villains than he is. Arsène is a thief, a master of disguise, a rascal but never a killer. He possesses such wealth that he does not need to steal for material reasons but does so for pleasure and he is famous for always getting away with his crimes. The iconic character of Arsène Lupin, a smart, funny, very elegant and suave fictional burglar and womanizer was originally created by …

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13.843 CLP eBook EPUB
An Introduction to Random Variables, Random Vectors and Stochastic Processes
An Introduction to Random Variables, Random Vectors and Stochastic Processes

This book is aimed at covering the bases on random variables, random vectors and stochastic processes, necessary to be able to address the study of stochastic models based mainly on random and stochastic differential equations. The approach of the text is fundamentally practical. The theoretical results, including demonstrations of a more constructive nature, are combined with numerous examples and exercises chosen with the aim of instructing in fundamental ideas and interpretations. At the end of each chapter two appendices have been included. The first appendix contains a collection of carefully chosen problems for the reader to work on the main …

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7.440 CLP eBook PDF
I'll gladly say yes
I'll gladly say yes
Rodríguez Abancéns, Marisa
I'LL GLADLY SAY YES! presents a story full of vitality and dy namism. This book speaks of a woman of faith, who was enterpris ing and free and knew how to defend the rights of women opening ways to her social participation. The challenging experiences she had as first woman supervisor of primary education in the province of Jaén, Josefa Segovia –who eventually became the first President of the Teresian Association– broke barriers between cultural and social commitments and the capacity in faith to wait for the best, make this narrative something for which to look forward.
12.000 CLP eBook PDF
Fernando Torres. El Niño (Enriched Ebook)
Fernando Torres. El Niño (Enriched Ebook)
Fernando Torres, Jorge Crespo
Original humorous biography of Fernando Torres, written by himself and illustrated by the colchonero cartoonist par excellence, Jorge Crespo. On this book, El Niño's fans will find out anecdotes and little-known aspects of one of the most charismatic Spanish football players.
3.213 CLP eBook EPUB
Arturo Ortega Blake

This historic novel tells the story of how the legendary Erik the Red led his men to a land of plenty where they built a nation: Greenland. Later, Leif, like his father before him, will also guide his people to a sweeping and much more bountiful land which, centuries later, would come to be called America. It is a tale of the challenges of that savage and indomitable world, as well as their struggle against nature and, above all, the Algonquin. Arturo Ortega Blake sets out their customs, dress, and mythology, and even their codes of honor, world view and …

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7.818 CLP eBook EPUB
Hitchhiking in the Axis of Evil
Hitchhiking in the Axis of Evil
Juan Pablo Villarino

On May 1st 2005, Juan Villarino, an Argentinean hitchhiker,hitches a ride in a sailboat from Belfast harbourto Scotland, on the first leg of a journey tothe Middle East. Borrowing the strategy of thesnail he carries all he needs in a backpack, andsticks out his thumb along both dusty roads andmotorways. He possesses no credit card nor bulletproof jacket. His goal is to cross the heart of theIslamic world: Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan, solely by hitchhiking,in an attempt to prove that hospitality abounds in a region portrayedas terrorist by the establishment media.As he moves across the vast globe, Juan …

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7.348 CLP eBook EPUB
Spuren von feuer
Spuren von feuer
Federico Ezequiel Gargiulo

Spuren von Feuer ist eine wahre Geschichte von drei jungen Freunden, die eines schönen Tages den Entscheid treffen, sich auf ein Abenteuer zu einem der unberührtesten und entlegensten Orte der Erde zu wagen: Die Halbinsel Mitre, im extremsten Südosten von Feuerland.
In diesem Buch erzählt der Autor auf eine gewandte und fesselnde Art die Einzelheiten einer Expedition zu Fuss, durchgeführt im Herbst 2005, zu einem völlig unerschlossenen Ort, ohne Wege und Siedlungen, in einem rauen Gebiet, wo man nichts als Einsamkeit einatmet. Im Verlauf dieser Reise über mehr als 500 Kilometer werden die jungen Eroberer mit einigen Hindernissen konfrontiert (eiskalte Flüsse, …

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6.614 CLP eBook EPUB
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