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Alvin S. Yusin

International terrorism and the development of weapons of mass destruction have given war an unlimited capability that can cause total destruction of all living things as well as the world in which we reside. Although human beings realize that this catastrophic outcome is possible, they continue to engage in wars. What forces drive them to do so? Sounds: A Pathway to World Peace attempts to answer that question by examining the survival and socializing forces that govern human interactions, identifying the behaviors these forces initiate, and reviewing the circumstances that strengthen the influence of one force over the other. This …

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David A. Britner
Essays on the contemporary geo-political situation and the need for new leadership to focus their work for world peace.
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Three Essays and Three Revolutions
Three Essays and Three Revolutions
Francis Goskowski

If you have ever wondered why American Catholics and American Protestants in the mainline denominations in 2011 believe and worship in very similar ways; why Democrats and Republicans accept the necessity of governmental intervention to secure the "safety net" of services citizens may need to access at various times in their lives; and why average American workers in their pivotal role as producers and consumers of goods and services "own" the nation's economy; Three Essays and Three Revolutions is the book for you. Author Francis Goskowski argues that Martin Luther, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Karl Marx, three "Founding Fathers" of the …

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