
William Smillie

In August 2001 - one month before 9/11 - a gang of Southern California car thieves find themselves blackmailed by a band of Asian insurgents into smuggling guns for gold and eventually leading a charge against a prison garrison in Western China. Their most formidable adversary is not the Chinese Army guarding the garrison, but the American F-16s attacking from above, dispatched by the president of the United States. Hunted by the FBI, infiltrated by the CIA, and compromised by an international network of espionage operatives and assassins, these street-wise G-Riders must navigate through the perils of an entire world …

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A Chance Encounter
A Chance Encounter
John Clark

France, July 1918. Nineteen-year-old Roland Massey, fresh out of grammar school, has been conscripted into the British Army and sent to the Western Front. His overriding aim is to see out the remainder of the war and return unscathed to the comfortable middle-class life he left behind in Cheshire. Following a battle near Rheims, he is given temporary charge of Paul Sondheim, a captured German soldier. Their brief conversation results in a reunion after the war … and Roland’s introduction to Paul’s sister, the beautiful Stefanie Sondheim. A Chance Encounter is a tale of friendship, romance, and betrayal set in …

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Beneath and Beyond
Beneath and Beyond
Claudette Cleveland

As human ambassadors for the Tall White Beings, Tashi and Althea’s current assignment takes them to Mayan country in Mexico. Petra, a recent ambassador graduate from the Hidden City who lives on a famous horse-breeding ranch, is overwhelmed with the ignorance and blatant corruption taking over her homeland in the mountains near Mexico City; she needs Tashi and Althea’s help. Althea finds that her past life at the ancient ruins of Teotihuacan has come back like a karmic slap in the face. She is facing her ancient adversaries in her current lifetime. With Petra, Althea meets El Diablo, a modern-day …

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Wynter Wilkins

Lady Renata LeSabitine is a mortal witch who comes from a long lineage of Gypsies. Kidnapped and adopted at birth by an evil vampire coven, Renata is forced into a cruel and corrupt life. Renata’s adopted father arranges for her to marry a fellow vampire who holds tight reins on Renata and demands she give up her religion and practicing witchcraft. Hoping to seek divine help, Renata meets Lord Lane Deluca. They fall in love and vow to be together, but Renata’s fiancée has other plans in store for the couple. Can Lane save Renata from the evil vampire, or …

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Night of the Black Moon
Night of the Black Moon
Emory Powell

Embittered by disparaging "raghead" put-downs while a student at Harvard University, brilliant scholar Mohammed Hassan returns to Iran, leaving behind in America his wife, Germaine Phillips, and their son, Ali. Renaming himself Timur-Osman, he sets out to consolidate power throughout the Moslem world. Years later, Ali goes to Iran to visit his father. Assistant Secretary of State James Parrish is tasked to find ways to influence Timur-Osman, Iran’s new leader. With growing instability across the world, James seeks out Mohammed’s ex-wife, Germaine, to influence the men in her family. Military and political figures appear throughout this story of survival. The …

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Diary of Jenny Parker
Diary of Jenny Parker
Palmer Erhirienta

Jenny Parker was a very young and happy girl from Florida and an only child to her loving parents. Her grandparents live in Texas, where the family gathers once a year to celebrate her birthday together with Thanksgiving. On the trip to Texas when she was going to be 15, they had a fatal motor accident that took her father's life, which he blamed on her delays. She was also struck with strange psychological trauma. After progressive medical therapy, she and her mother relocated to California, where she met Tom who looks like her father. Her relationship with him was …

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Circling Carousels
Circling Carousels
Ashlee North

In a perfect world, the carousel of life should be a beautiful thing. It should turn with beauty and grace in peaceful, joyous revolutions. In reality, sometimes, this is just not the case! Regardless of our reaching for happiness, the ride can still grind on, spin uncontrollably, and leave bruises in its wake. Circling Carousels is such a story. In these pages, you will fall in love with Candice and her lovely twin girls, Sienna and Crystal. As the story unfolds, you’ll ride their carousel with them in convoluted circles full of murderous intrigue, life-threatening danger, deceit, not-so-innocent love, hatred, …

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The King Not Lost
The King Not Lost
Hamid Karima

The King Not Lost is a historical legend that tells of a simple but clever shepherd named Dara. Set in a west Asian country in the sixteenth century, the high minister travels to Dara’s small village to inform the shepherd that he has been chosen as king of his country.Dara doesn’t want to leave his village, but he is now king and must go to the palace. There the ministers begin training the shepherd to become king. But in reality, they have taken him to the palace to be killed.The court jester and the historian inform the new king of …

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7.304 CLP eBook EPUB
Kiss Me, Love Me, Kill Me!
Kiss Me, Love Me, Kill Me!
Ashlee North

Kiss Me, Love Me, Kill Me! is the whole package. Full of tension, life, love, passion, deceit, and ultimately death, it has all the twists and turns of a roller coaster ride! Join the teenage characters, Skye and Marco, as they find themselves in love, long passionately for their first kiss, and uncover a murderous plot in Wunderland, an exciting and thrilling theme park that’s their choice of fun! Meet Shontelle, Skye’s sister, who will love and lose love, hope and have hope dashed, and hope again. Get to know Roger, Clarke, and Joshua, the men in her life, and …

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8.275 CLP eBook EPUB
The Silver Dragon's Quest
The Silver Dragon's Quest
Zoe Topping
The Silver Dragon, Robert Alexander the Third, known to all as Robbie, decides to defy tradition, leave his village and go searching for the legendary Great Shining Dragon. Unbeknownst to him, his path will lead him to three ferocious Red Dragons, each of whom he must somehow overcome to fulfill his Quest.As the story unfolds, Robbie - in the company of the audacious, educated mouse, Wilberforce Abercrombie the 27th - discovers his own extraordinary personal power as well as the true meaning of love and friendship
8.270 CLP eBook PDF
On Screenwriting and Love and Politics
On Screenwriting and Love and Politics
Aviva Butt

On Screenwriting and Love and Politics is a book by screenwriter Aviva Butt that invites the reader to take an up-close view at writing a film script. Written in an engaging and literary style, the book attempts to illuminate the emotions, theories and process that go into creating a screenplay. As a special appendix, the book includes the author’s latest full-length screenplay "Blue Mist." About this screenplay, she comments: "I write about love and politics. My screenplays are theatrical feature films on Middle Eastern subjects. This time with my screenplay 'Blue Mist,' the world situation and the Middle East come …

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Mother's Tongue
Mother's Tongue
Susanna Ho

A woman has brain surgery that lasts 14 hours, far longer than her surgeon expects. She survives the operation, but the first sentence she speaks after she gains consciousness is spoken in a dialect that nobody in the family understands. Like everyone in Hong Kong, the woman’s family speaks Cantonese. Some older members also use Hakka, a dialect of the Guangdong Province. So when the woman starts talking in Chiu Chow, her family is worried. Is it possible for someone to lose the ability to speak a language she’s been using for 50 years after undergoing brain surgery? The woman’s …

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