
Imputed Rights
Imputed Rights
Robert V. Andelson
Thoughtful and informative, this essay is an analysis of the basis and nature of human rights. Arguing that human rights is an issue that is often invoked but seldom intelligently considered, this record examines concrete, immediate, moral, and social issues, including birth control, taxation, welfare, private behavior, and military service. Noting the inadequacies of non-Christian positions, such as the radical-humanist, utilitarian, and self-realization approaches, this account develops an original thesis in which the absolute ground for rights is the will and grace of God.
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The Predator Culture
The Predator Culture
Fred Harrison

Fred Harrison draws on global-wide case studies to show how the violent birth of nation-states, whether the result of territorial conquests or colonialism, splits the population into two classes, victors and vanquished. This division is perpetuated and legitimated through the system of land tenure. The pathological consequences – as diverse as failed states, organised crime (mafia), religious fundamentalism and the re-emergence of piracy – are the result of the violent uprooting of the original inhabitants from their homelands. Understanding the territorial basis of political power and wealth is the pre-requisite, Fred Harrison argues, for making sense of issues as diverse …

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John Clare: Voice of Freedom
John Clare: Voice of Freedom
R. S. Attack

John Clare (1793-1864) was born at a time of great social upheaval, just months after the beheading of Louis XVI and the outbreak of war with France, which was to last until the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815. He also lived through the upheavals of the land enclosure movement and agricultural revolution, which changed the face of the countryside and the way of life in rural England. His father was a farm worker who managed to pay for his son’s schooling, though this was cut short as conditions worsened, but Clare had by then learned to read and …

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No End to Snowdrops A Biography Of Kathleen Raine
No End to Snowdrops A Biography Of Kathleen Raine
Philippa Bernard

This authorised biography of poet Kathleen Raine tells the story of how she developed from a small girl, who knew at the age of eight that she wanted only to write poetry, into a world-renowned poet and literary scholar. Philippa Bernard follows Kathleen Raine’s struggle against the constrictions of her suburban childhood to her exciting days at Girton College in the 1920s, where she became friends with many brilliant writers, artists, and scientists, whose friendships lasted all her life. After a short marriage to Hugh Sykes Davies, she eloped with the poet Charles Madge to live in Blackheath, where two …

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The Greatest Briton
The Greatest Briton
Jeremy Havardi

After several decades of historical revisionism, Winston Churchill remains one of the most controversial figures in modern history. Critics allege he was a diehard imperialist and warmonger, a bitter opponent of the working classes and a maverick opportunist with an insatiable appetite for power. Despite his record as "the man who won the war," he is often accused of being a war criminal. This book sets out to correct the historical record in a stimulating collection of essays. Arranged in chronological order to show his life in the context of 20th century world history, these essays are both detailed and …

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The Traumatised Society
The Traumatised Society
Fred Harrison

Having correctly forecast the timing of the global crisis, the author now extends that same analysis to the future of the West, to evaluate fears from distinguished commentators who claim that European civilisation is in danger of being eclipsed. He concludes that the West is at a dangerous tipping point, and provides empirical and theoretical evidence to warrant such an alarming conclusion. But he also explains why it is not too late to prevent the looming social catastrophe. Attributing the present crisis to a social process of cheating, he develops a synthesis of the social and natural sciences to show …

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The Shakespearean Ethic
The Shakespearean Ethic
John Vyvyan

Originally published in 1959, this book has long been out of print and largely neglected by Shakespearean scholars. It offers a viewpoint seldom considered: an unusual and exceptionally clear insight into Shakespeare’s philosophy. It does so with freshness, modesty and conviction. Appreciating the danger Shakespeare faced in writing at a time of major religious intolerance, Vyvyan shows how subtly the plays explore aspects of the perennial philosophy allegorically. In doing so, Shakespeare raises the fundamental question of ethics: What ought we to do? Says the author, "Shakespeare is never ethically neutral. He is never in doubt as to whether the …

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Sketches Sartorial, Tonsorial and the Like
Sketches Sartorial, Tonsorial and the Like
St Claire Bullock

In rhyming couplets, these wry and witty poems ponder the foibles and vanities of mortals. Some of these are captured in pen and ink drawings that caricature the subject of the poems. Each character is given an amusing name, beginning with Master Cecil Abercorn, Serena Huff, the Marchioness of Mal de Mer, Major Houghton Reid, Thomas Tinkham Tattersall, and Roland Washburn White. There are 70 poems, of which 10 are illustrated. The illustration on the front cover relates to Rupert Ashe: "The greatest pride of Rupert Ashe was his luxuriant moustache. He took great care to keep it groomed, And …

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Marcus Aurelius: The Dialogues
Marcus Aurelius: The Dialogues
Alan Stedall

Marcus Aurelius, one of the greatest Roman emperors, is remembered less for his military exploits than for his private reflections. His Meditations, as they became known, have been a major influence on Western thought and behaviour down through the centuries, proving that the pen is mightier than the sword. Seeking an alternative to faith-based religion, Alan Stedall came across the book and found rational answers to questions about the meaning and purpose of life that had been troubling him. Here too were answers to his concern that in the absence of moral beliefs based on religion, we risk creating a …

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Espana Britannia
Espana Britannia
Alistair Ward

This historical analysis of the political and religious relationship of Britain and Spain, from 12th-century dynastic alliances to the Spanish support of the English-American invasion of Iraq, asserts that there have been many significant links between the two countries over the past 800 years. While England and Spain were rivals in the New World, British and Spanish troops fought side by side for causes of mutual concern during the Peninsular War, Spanish Civil War, and World War II. This bittersweet relationship has been fundamental to continental politics and the position of each country in the international realm.

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Friend to Mankind Marsilio Ficino 1433-1499
Friend to Mankind Marsilio Ficino 1433-1499
Marsilio Ficino
Eighteen essays re-examine Marsilio Ficino’s life and work focusing on three essential aspects: his significance in his own times, his spreading influence throughout Europe and over subsequent centuries in many areas of thought and creativity, and his enduring relevance today. Ficino was one of the most influential humanist philosophers of the early Italian Renaissance period. Translation of his major works from Latin enables a new generation to rediscover and share Ficino’s vision of human potential.
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Language and Truth
Language and Truth
Paul Douglas

This book explores the nature of human language, its relation to truth and to the natural laws of the universe. It focuses on truth according to DaVita (non-dualism), and concentrates mainly on the Sanskrit language. The author draws on his long experience as a student and teacher of both DaVita and Sanskrit. He identifies some principles of Advaita which are particularly relevant to human language, such as the primacy of consciousness, unity in diversity, and sound as the basis of the universe. He then compares Sanskrit, English and Mandarin in the light of these principles. What follows is an investigation …

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