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The Story of Men’s Underwear
The Story of Men’s Underwear
Shaun Cole

Men’s fashion, particularly the trends involving undergarments, was once reserved for the elite; today it has become democratised, clear proof of social progress. The aestheticism of the body so highly valued by the Greeks seems to have regained a prominent place in the masculine world. Mirroring the evolution of society’s values, the history of underwear also highlights the continuous, dancing exchange that exists between women’s styles and men’s fashion. Undergarments are concealed, flaunted, stretched or shortened, establishing a game between yesterday’s illicit and today’s chic and thereby denouncing the sense of disgrace that these simple pieces of clothing used to …

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Diccionario profesional del vino
Diccionario profesional del vino
Ernesto de Serdio Fernández

Esta publicación (en su 2ª edición) se plantea como una obra de referencia y consulta de fácil manejo pero también como una guía de aprendizaje para los profesionales del sector. El objetivo es hacer frente a la complejidad en el lenguaje del vino mediante una selección y definición conceptual precisa de las 1.300 palabras y frases más utilizadas por los profesionales del sector, desde viticultores, bodegueros, hasta distribuidores, importadores y detallista, sin olvidar al consumidor final. El diccionario está escrito desde una perspectiva netamente hispana en el sentido de que hace hincapié y trata con mayor profusión los términos propios de …

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The Art of the Shoe
The Art of the Shoe
Marie-Josèphe Bossan

What is more common than a pair of shoes? In a world where shoes have become an object of mass consumption, these accessories are now rid of any significance. The industry has accomplished its duty: producing a large quantity at a low price. But there was a time when the shoe symbolised the strength of the Roman legion, the power of the Medieval lords or the oppression of the Chinese woman. Its history is both vast and enthralling, as revealed by the author Marie-Josèphe Bossan. Supporting her analysis with an outstanding iconography, the author gives these commonplace objects a universal …

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Western European Illuminated Manuscripts
Western European Illuminated Manuscripts
Tamara Voronova, Anrdei Sterligov
Anyone fortunate enough to have actually held a medieval manuscript in his hands must have felt excited at this immediate contact with the past. Both famous and unknown authors wrote philosophical, natural scientific and theological treatises, romances about knights and courtly love; humanists and theologists translated and commented upon the classical literature of antiquity; travellers wrote descriptions of their incredible journeys; and ascetic chroniclers recorded and kept alive the historic events of their times for future generations.
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Outsiders and Outcasts in the Mexica World
Outsiders and Outcasts in the Mexica World
Jaime Echeverría García
The study of pre-Hispanic societies focuses not only on their most remarkable aspects—their technological developments, military exploits, political events, and economic achievements—but also on the everyday phenomena through which their ideology and identity are reproduced. One such element is the interaction between members of a community and foreigners or socially marginalized figures—those persons on the periphery of a culture who permanently transgress the prevailing social, ethico-moral, and behavioral norms.
8.800 CLP eBook EPUB
The Renaissance Engravers
The Renaissance Engravers
Jp Calosse
This ambitious work allows the reader to discover the art of engraving in Europe from the 15th to the 16th century. The engravings of the Renaissance masters are considered models of artistic perfection, often studied and frequently copied.
14.799 CLP eBook EPUB
Innovation in Pharmacy
Innovation in Pharmacy
Organizer Committee IPAP18 – Salamanca

This book contains the summaries of the "Innovations in Pharmacy: Advances and Perspectives" that took place in Salamanca (Spain) in September 2018. The early science of chemistry and microbiology were the source of most drugs until the revolution of genetic engineering in the mid 1970s. Then biotechnology made available novel protein agents such as interferons, blood factors and monoclonal antibodies that have changed the modern pharmacy. Over the past year, a new pharmacy of oligonucleotides has emerged from the science of gene expression such as RNA splicing and RNA interference. The ability to design therapeutic agents from genomic sequences will …

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Granny Fenwicks Recipes and Remedies
Granny Fenwicks Recipes and Remedies
Steve Rudd

It all started with a biscuit tin. Writer and editor Steve Rudd was clearing out some boxes that had been stored in various places since a house move in 1996. And some of the boxes had been following him round the country from previous moves. The boxes contained stuff that originally came from his parents' home, dating as far back as 1980, when his maternal grandma, the redoubtable Granny Fenwick, died. So it was that in 2012, Steve found the very same brown biscuit tin that had stood on his granny’s mantelpiece when he used to visit her in the …

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