
Chinese Art
Chinese Art
Stephen W. Bushell
Dealing not only with architecture, sculpture, and painting, but also with bronze and ceramics, this text offers a complete panorama of Chinese arts and civilisation. In his text, the author Bushell stresses the importance of knowing the society to understand the arts.
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Baroque Art
Baroque Art
Klaus Carl, Victoria Charles

The Baroque period lasted from the beginning of the seventeenth century to the middle of the eighteenth century. Baroque art was artists’ response to the Catholic Church’s demand for solemn grandeur following the Council of Trent, and through its monumentality and grandiloquence it seduced the great European courts. Amongst the Baroque arts, architecture has, without doubt, left the greatest mark in Europe: the continent is dotted with magnificent Baroque churches and palaces, commissioned by patrons at the height of their power. The works of Gian Lorenzo Bernini of the Southern School and Peter Paul Rubens of the Northern School alone …

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Antoni Gaudí - El máximo exponente de la arquitectura modernista catalana.
Antoni Gaudí - El máximo exponente de la arquitectura modernista catalana.
Jeremy Roe

El arquitecto y diseñador español Antoni Gaudí (1852-1926) es una importante e influyente figura en la historia del arte contemporáneo de España. El uso del color, la utilización de diferentes materiales y la introducción de movimiento en sus construcciones fueron toda una innovación en el terreno de la arquitectura. En su diario, Gaudí expresó sus propios sentimientos sobre el arte: “los colores usados en arquitectura tienen que ser intensos, lógicos y fértiles”. El autor, Jeremy Roe, utiliza una amplia gama de detalles fotográficos y arquitectónicos que le permiten revelar el contexto del arte de Barcelona mientras nos introduce en el …

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Taiwan Art & Civilization
Taiwan Art & Civilization
Hsiu-Huei Wang

Taiwan's specific situation in Asia is the source of its thorn past. Situated in the South East of China, Taiwan was at the crossroads of many maritime routes and squeezed between its neighbors, China and Japan. After centuries of foreign occupation, Taiwan has a unique history. Taiwan, Art and Civilization sheds light on Taiwan's beautiful scenery as well as its colorful history in the form of a true initiatory trip. Through magnificent illustrations, Taiwan reveals its secret beauty, its fauna and flora intertwined with its unique architecture. Home of the traditional and the modern, the gorgeous island is also the …

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The Splendor of English Gothic Architecture
The Splendor of English Gothic Architecture
John Shannon Hendrix

This book explains and celebrates the richness of Englishchurches and cathedrals, which have a major place inmedieval architecture. The English Gothic style developedsomewhat later than in France, but rapidly developed itsown architectural and ornamental codes. The author, John Shannon Hendrix, classifies English Gothic architecture in four principal stages: the early English Gothic, the decorated, the curvilinear, and the perpendicular Gothic. Several photographs of these architectural testimonies allow us to understand the whole originality of Britain during the Gothic era: in Canterbury, Wells, Lincoln, York, and Salisbury. The English Gothic architecture is a poetic one, speaking both to the senses and …

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Antoni Gaudí - El punto de partida para el modernismo catalán
Antoni Gaudí - El punto de partida para el modernismo catalán
Jeremy Roe

El arquitecto y diseñador español Antoni Gaudí (1852-1926) es una importante e influyente figura en la historia del arte contemporáneo de España. El uso del color, la utilización de diferentes materiales y la introducción de movimiento en sus construcciones fueron toda una innovación en el terreno de la arquitectura. En su diario, Gaudí expresó sus propios sentimientos sobre el arte: “los colores usados en arquitectura tienen que ser intensos, lógicos y fértiles”. El autor, Jeremy Roe, utiliza una amplia gama de detalles fotográficos y arquitectónicos que le permiten revelar el contexto del arte de Barcelona mientras nos introduce en el …

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Les ouvrages d'art: les ponts
Les ouvrages d'art: les ponts
Victoria Charles

Train d union entre deux mondes, le pont est un point de tension entre deux endroits identitaires. Libre, n appartenant ni à une terre ni à l autre, il enfreint le paysage et défie la nature. Le pont incarne à lui seul la volonté humaine de tisser des liens économiques, nécessaires et vitaux entre les hommes. Symbole de progrès et d innovation, le pont, qui fut en bois puis en pierre, démonstration anonyme de la solidité et la maîtrise des techniques assimilées, devient avec le temps de plus en plus aérien et fluide, défiant sans cesse les technologies de pointe. …

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Les phares
Les phares
Victoria Charles

Veilleur infatigable, le phare, système de signalisation maritime salvateur qui apparut dès l’Antiquité, guidait sans relâche les bateaux jusqu’à bon port. Si ce nom puise son origine de l’île Pharos qui abritait le phare d’Alexandrie, il semble que les volcans comme le Stromboli et ses irruptions fréquentes furent à l’origine de cette invention. Si, face à la modernité croissante des équipements des bateaux, ces sentinelles solitaires n’ont, aujourd’hui, plus guère d’utilisation, cet ouvrage tend à souligner non seulement leur intérêt architectural majeur, mais aussi la place qu’ils ont dans le patrimoine culturel mondial. Du phare des Baleines (France) au phare …

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Victoria Charles

The lighthouse, an indefatigable watchman, ceaselessly guides boats to their ports.This beacon of maritime signalisation has guided sailors since antiquity.The first known lighthouse appeared on the island of Pharos, and was the remarkable Lighthouse of Alexandria; however, it seems that volcanoes like Stromboli and its frequent eruptions were possibly at the origin of this invention, as the fires guided boats to their shores. Faced with the increasing development of modern navigational aids, these lone sentinels do not hold the same functional importance today. However, this work emphasises not only their role as a major architectural development, but also the place …

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Victoria Charles

A bridge is a link between two worlds, a point of tension between two separate and often disparate locations. Free, belonging neither to one region or another, the bridge imposes upon the landscape and defies nature. Its existence embodies the will of mankind to construct these necessary bonds between people and places. A symbol of progress and innovation, the bridge, anonymous demonstration of the mastery and the durability of new techniques, is gradually becoming more and more light and fluid, constantly defying stateoftheart technology. As veritable aesthetic creations, bridges appear today not only as examples of masterful engineering, but also …

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Les lumières de la ville
Les lumières de la ville
Victoria Charles

Symbole de promiscuité et de désirs solitaires, la ville est une promesse pour tous ceux qui s’y promènent. Ses rues alambiquées, ses quartiers anonymes et ses bruits incessants sont autant de paysages qui attirent l’innocent. Ses lumières qui la voilent, la fardent et la dévoilent, la transforment d’heure en heure, offrant au passant mille et un visages. Si les lumières matinales tirent la ville de sa torpeur et l’offrent virginale au jour naissant, ses éclairages nocturnes plongent à nouveau le chaland dans l’étrangeté de ses mystères, dont la beauté est tant visuelle qu’éphémère. Entre l’ombre et la lumière, les photographies …

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City Lights
City Lights
Victoria Charles

A symbol of massive crowds and solitary desires, the city holds promise for all those that pass through it. Its meandering streets, unexplored neighbourhoods and incessant noise create a landscape that captivates the observer. The lights of the city can conceal or reveal it, transforming its appearance hour by hour, offering countless facets to the passerby. While the light of morning pulls the city from its torpor and renews it for the dawning day, the nocturnal illumination plunges the pedestrian into the strangeness of its mysteries, creating a striking and ephemeral beauty. Between the shadow and the light, these original …

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