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Innovation in Pharmacy
Innovation in Pharmacy
Organizer Committee IPAP18 – Salamanca

This book contains the summaries of the "Innovations in Pharmacy: Advances and Perspectives" that took place in Salamanca (Spain) in September 2018. The early science of chemistry and microbiology were the source of most drugs until the revolution of genetic engineering in the mid 1970s. Then biotechnology made available novel protein agents such as interferons, blood factors and monoclonal antibodies that have changed the modern pharmacy. Over the past year, a new pharmacy of oligonucleotides has emerged from the science of gene expression such as RNA splicing and RNA interference. The ability to design therapeutic agents from genomic sequences will …

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I want to get pregnant now! Ebook.
I want to get pregnant now! Ebook.
Dra. Marisa López-Teijón Pérez

With one of the most renowned medical specialists in Assisted Reproduction, Dr Marisa López-Teijón, and three women who, like you, also want to get pregnant, you will discover the responses to all those questions you began to ask yourself the day you decided you wanted to have a baby. Elisabeth, Marta and Rose face numerous mysteries, doubts, taboos, prejudices and false myths. They feel disoriented, angry, sad and, often, alone. If, like them, you won’t let anything stop you, this book will explain how to conceive spontaneously or with medical help. Practical, surprising, and filled with emotion, this book is …

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6.720 CLP eBook EPUB
Stop fighting! Should you intervene in a sibling fight?
Stop fighting! Should you intervene in a sibling fight?
Isabelle Gravillon, Nicole Prieur

That's life. it is often difficult for parents to see their children fighting as if this highlights their serious failure as educators. And yet it is the most normal thing in the world. In fraternal relationships, moments of complicity and love alternate with periods of rivalry and hatred. We must accept the quarrels, which are indispensable for children to grow and assert themselves. This book helps parents to adopt a certain distance and answers questions such as: * What triggers the fights? * Should we let them happen? * What do they bring to the children? * Why are they …

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11.455 CLP eBook EPUB
English for geographers
English for geographers
Carmen I. Luján García

English for Geographers is a textbook intended to be used not only by students of the university degree of Geography, but also by anybody interested in the field of geography. It is divided into seven different units, each of them dealing with a specific topic (introduction to geography, human geography, environmental geography, tourist geography, Internet for geographers, cartography and climatology). Each of the units offers the learners a variety of activities to improve their skills, mostly reading and writing in English, as well as the capacity to increase their vocabulary related to this field. Following the European philosophy that promotes …

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4.130 CLP eBook PDF
El Sistema 3. The 3 System
El Sistema 3. The 3 System
Mario Teresano

“Mi nombre es Mario Teresano. Desde mi adolescencia he sido un gran apasionado del culturismo y el fitness, deporte que desde entonces se ha convertido en mi estilo de vida. Consultado en innumerables oportunidades sobre cómo entrenar y llevar adelante una correcta nutrición sin grandes complicaciones y privaciones, he desarrollado el Sistema 3.

El libro tiene como objetivo enseñarte a llevar un estilo de vida equilibrado, para que mantenerse en forma y con salud no tenga que ser algo tedioso ni suponer privaciones de todo tipo. Un sistema fácil de seguir por cualquier persona indistintamente de su edad, profesión u obligaciones …

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28.503 CLP eBook EPUB
Hans-Jürgen Döpp

How is it that the foot and the toes are credited with such strong sexual connotations? Do they represent something out of the ordinary to the human subconscious? How otherwise could these unremarkable parts of the body seem erotic? And what has their appeal to do with the Eternal Mystery that is Woman? Often left uncovered, in former times when total nudity was forbidden or considered unseemly, the foot and its shape allowed the imaginations of observers to roam wild. The only part of the body of a woman occasionally visible (unlike those visible normally or those never visible normally), …

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4.990 CLP eBook EPUB
The kiss
The kiss
Hans-Jürgen Döpp
Is a kiss the premise of the act or an act in itself? What role do the lips and the tongue play in the lovers’ encounter? What are its means and its uses throughout history and societies? Such are the questions and analyses that Professor Döpp tackles in this book with both talent and intelligence. Richly illustrated with pieces from the author’s illustrious collection, this work is a treat for the eyes and the mind.
4.990 CLP eBook EPUB
Hans-Jürgen Döpp

The “happy-few” aspect of the sadomasochistic relations, the fashions that have had a great impact on the population, make these practices seem somewhat commonplace. A number of magazines and films recount these sexual adventures with complete honesty. The enthusiasts are no longer exceptions. Beyond the stereotypes of women in leather boots with a whip in hand, they discover the pleasures of pain. It is a form of sexuality where pleasure looses its codification since procreation is no longer the goal. Travelling towards the limits of emotions is the theme explored by Professor Döpp, supporting his developments on an exceptional iconography.

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4.990 CLP eBook EPUB
Sex play. More fun than you can imagine
Sex play. More fun than you can imagine
Emily Dubberley
You want surprises, thrills and dares? You’ll try anything – within reason? Grab your lover and get playing – and be prepared to have the time of your life… * Over 60 outrageous ways to tease and please. * Fun, interactive and unpredictable sex games. * Handy play-anywhere format!
17.664 CLP eBook EPUB
The Guide to Gymnastics for children
The Guide to Gymnastics for children
Anna Salaris

* Younger children can also do gymnastics without getting bored, as long as parents, teachers, babysitters or siblings are involved and become their monitors. * It can be started at home, but if the weather is fine, it can also be done outdoors, preferably in a meadow or on the beach. The desire to play, which is never lacking in children, will do the rest. * This book offers you many useful tips and a host of games designed to develop children's motor potential and stimulate their imagination, imitation skills, balance, coordination, etc. * Each exercise is explained in detail …

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11.455 CLP eBook EPUB
Hans-Jürgen Döpp

The climax to the act of love casts an indefinable expression on the face – an expression of urgent intensity. A woman, a man, in that moment experiences an ecstasy that for an instant is visible in the eyes and on the lips. A wave of pleasure runs through the body, marking the transition between desire and orgasm. For this fleeting second, when just how violent the senses can be is laid bare, the person involved is not the same as the person immediately before or the person immediately after. With the help of prints and etchings from former centuries, …

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4.990 CLP eBook EPUB
Freedom with Food and Fitness
Freedom with Food and Fitness
Alana Van der Sluys

Freedom with Food and Fitness will be the first book about intuitive eating that actually provides focus on intuitive movement and fitness, the ninth principle of the intuitive eating philosophy. It will guide readers through the core principles of intuitive eating, how and why diet culture leads us to become disordered dieters, and how we can rebuild our relationship with our minds and bodies through mindset work and practical advice around food and fitness. There is a hole in the intuitive eating book market where there should be one that focuses on how to incorporate exercise into eating disorder recovery; …

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10.232 CLP eBook EPUB
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