
The Lewy Body Disease. A circumstance in my life
The Lewy Body Disease. A circumstance in my life
Selva Marasco

This book shows the world of feelings of the affected person. Selva captures it finely in its pages and tells it chronologically from the most incipient steps in the reception of a diagnosis to the full assumption of a reality.To be able to access this knowledge is a jewel not to be missed by anyone interested in Lewy Body Disease: professionals, people affected, carers. But this is not the greatest achievement of the writing; the book manages to pierce the layer of general ignorance on the subject, allowing to know, raise awareness and assume the existence of this disease, unknown …

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For Freedom I Bleed, Fight, Survive
For Freedom I Bleed, Fight, Survive
Miguel Hernández

Miguel Hernández (Orihuela, 1910) fought in the Spanish Civil War and was known as the poet of the people and the revolution. From a very young age his experience tending sheep and goats gave him a keen appreciation of the natural world and compassion for the farm laborer. He read voraciously and as a teenager published his poems in local magazines earning for himself the moniker of «the goatherd poet.» He made numerous trips to Madrid where he developed close friendships with other poets, among them Vicente Aleixandre and the Chilean, Pablo Neruda. After the defeat of the Republic, he …

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True Poets Happen All of a Sudden
True Poets Happen All of a Sudden
Gonzalo Rojas

Gonzalo Rojas (1916-2011) was born in Lebu, Chile, to a family of miners. As a university student captivated by Catullus and Ovid, the avant-garde poet Gonzalo Rojas fell in love with surrealism and jazz. As a diplomat for the Allende government in China and Cuba, he was condemned to exile and continued writing in the Democratic Republic of Germany, Venezuela and the United States. He returned definitively to Chile in 1994. He was awarded the Chilean National Prize in Literature (1992), the Reina Sofía Prize in Spain (1992), the José Hernández Prize in Argentina (1997), the Octavio Paz Prize in …

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Unbounded Flight
Unbounded Flight
Oliverio Girondo

Octavio José Oliverio Girondo (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1891 / Buenos Aires, 1967), known as Oliverio Girondo, born in the same decade as Alfonsina Storni and Jorge Luis Borges, is one of the most noteworthy Argentine poets of the 20th Century. He was a key figure in the twentieth century Bonaerense avant-garde, specifically he was part of the Grupo Florida that worked together on the literary journal Martín Fierro. He was a poet of modernity, big cities, travel, technology, and modern alienation who always strove to renew poetry and find new modes of expression. He experimented with form and language itself …

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La gula
La gula
Asako Yuzuki

Una versión japonesa de El silencio de los corderos con ecos a Emmanuel Carrère.Rika Machida es la única mujer en la redacción de la revista semanal en la que trabaja. Quizá por eso sea la única que consigue contactar con Manako Kajii, una mujer condenada a cadena perpetua por seducir y asesinar a varios hombres con la intención de usar su dinero para costearse talleres de cocina y comidas lujosas. Así comienza una serie de encuentros entre las dos mujeres que pronto transforman el interés inicial de Rika, meramente profesional, en una extraña fascinación hacia la supuesta asesina.Kajii no encaja …

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From Esalen to Pune, Osho and the Path of Humanistic Transpersonal Psychology Experiential
From Esalen to Pune, Osho and the Path of Humanistic Transpersonal Psychology Experiential
Vikrant A. Sentis

This book fills a great void existing, until now, in the description and understanding of the history of modern psychology. It sheds light on one of the most unknown and least assumed aspects of the historical development of humanistic-transpersonally oriented psychotherapy, by exposing, in a systematic and adequately documented way, the details of the development of therapeutic processes, the personal stories of the pioneers of the Human Potential Movement and the, in many ways, profound impact that Osho (also known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) had on hundreds of psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists between the 1970s and 1990s. Numerous of the most …

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La poesía es un atentado celeste / Poetry Is a Celestial Attack
La poesía es un atentado celeste / Poetry Is a Celestial Attack
Vicente Huidobro

La serie Horizon Carré por iniciativa conjunta de la Fundación Vicente Huidobro, la Universidad de Washington y RIL editores, se propone acercar al público anglolector, en forma bilingüe, selecciones de poesía de grandes autores de la lengua española en cuidadas traducciones, presentadas por escritores y académicos contemporáneos. En esta edición: Vicente Huidobro, uno de los más destacados poetas chilenos, junto con Gabriela Mistral, Pablo Neruda y Nicanor Parra. Iniciador y exponente del creacionismo, es considerado uno de los grandes renovadores de la poesía en lengua española. Se relacionó con escritores de las vanguardias parisinas de hace un siglo como Apollinaire, Breton, …

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Hombre pequeñito / Tiny little man
Hombre pequeñito / Tiny little man
Alfonsina Storni

La serie Horizon Carré por iniciativa conjunta de la Fundación Vicente Huidobro, la Universidad de Washington y RIL editores, se propone acercar al público anglolector, en forma bilingüe, selecciones de poesía de grandes autores de la lengua española en cuidadas traducciones, presentadas por escritores y académicos contemporáneos. En esta edición: Alfonsina Storni, también conocida por los seudónimos Tao-Lao y Alfonsina, fue una poeta y escritora argentina cuya obra, vinculada con el modernismo, se caracterizó en los comienzos por el acento romántico y la sencillez pero después por una visión más oscura e irónica. Hizo incursiones en la dramaturgia. Storni expresó ideas feministas, …

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Diario de un vacío
Diario de un vacío
Emi Yagi

¿Mentimos para sentirnos menos solos?Shibata es la única mujer de su oficina. No se puede quejar: es un trabajo estable y aquí nadie la molesta ni le hace proposiciones fuera de tono. Pero está harta de no salir nunca a su hora y de que sus compañeros den por sentado que debe encargarse de servir el café, limpiar, ordenar… Hasta que, una mañana anuncia que no seguirá ocupándose de nada de esto. Está embarazada. O eso dice.Diario de un vacío sigue el día a día de Shibata desde que anuncia su falso embarazo y recupera, por fin, tiempo para sí …

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Elections & Deceptions
Elections & Deceptions
Alfredo Torres

The election of Fernando Belaunde as president of the republic in 1980 marked Peru's return to democracy after twelve years of military government. Since then, the country has had nine general elections and no military coups. Even so, there have been a number of episodes that have posed a serious risk to Peruvian democracy. In April 2021, Peruvians will face what is perhaps the most critical election of the last four decades. With the dual crises of public health and the economy unleashed by the Coronavirus pandemic, made even more acute by a third, political crisis forged within the country's …

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The guide to starting school
The guide to starting school
Marie Auffret-Pericone, Myriam Szejer

Entering school, in order to pursue early childhood education from 3 to 6 years old, constitutes a key moment in the child's life. The little one is usually excited and proud to enter the "elder's court", although this is not always the case and there may be some situations that parents must control. In any case, to avoid possible problems at this stage, the child always needs to feel close to his parents. At three years of age, and even earlier, it is convenient for him to begin to adapt to new situations: he will have to discover that his …

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He visto salir el sol en invierno / I have seen the sun come out in winter. Antología / Anthology
He visto salir el sol en invierno / I have seen the sun come out in winter. Antología / Anthology
Claudio Durán

Esta antología es una selección de los textos más representativos desde la perspectiva de su autor, reconocido poeta, académico e investigador. Y es además bilingüe, ya que Chile y Canadá son ámbitos geográficos diametralmente opuestos pero que conforman su doble espacio vital, experiencial e idiomático. Los poemas seleccionados en esta antología abarcan publicaciones que son hitos de las diversas facetas sucesivas de este autor la generación de los sesenta. Destaca el papel primordial que la memoria tiene en esta obra, que despliega lo bucólico, el paraíso perdido, el illo témpore, pero también los paisajes urbanos pretéritos y actuales. 

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