
Bikini Story
Bikini Story
Patrik Alac

It was in 1946 that the world first came to hear of a coral atoll in the Marshall Islands called Bikini. The following year, French couturier Louis Réard borrowed the name and applied it to a bathing costume for women. Breaking from decades of conformity, Réard dared to ‘undress’ women’s bodies in order to better emphasize what remained clothed - albeit in tiny wisps of material. By taking up the bikini as popular beachwear, women also found themselves thinking differently about their bodies. An ideal of perfection was reinforced by the appearance on the cinema screen of stars such as …

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14.799 CLP eBook EPUB
Lectio Divina: A Ladder towards God A Patristic Approach to the Scripture
Lectio Divina: A Ladder towards God A Patristic Approach to the Scripture
Dempsey Rosales Acosta

Lectio Divina as a Ladder towards God is a theological work of re-sourcement. As suggested by the word itself, re-sourcement is a return to applying theology to the original sources found in Christianity, namely Scripture, Tradition, the Church Fathers (i.e., Patristics), and Apostolic Teachings. Lectio divina is, therefore, an ancient practice of prayer and hermeneutics with its roots in early Hellenistic Christian and Jewish traditions which takes us directly to the heart of the Christian tradition by drinking directly from the fresh spring of God’s living Word. Consequently, the author articulates this tradition in three parts. Examining this influential history, …

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7.761 CLP eBook PDF
International Conference on social E-xperiences 2012
International Conference on social E-xperiences 2012
Amalia Creus, Sandra Sanz

This book is a compilation of the works presented on Network 1 of the BCN Meeting 2012 International Congress: Communication and Learning in the Digital Age, held in Barcelona in July 2012.
The Network opened an space for researchers, teachers, professionals and doctorate students from many countries around the world to discuss contemporary social experiences connected to the use of communication and information technologies, especially those referring to new ways and strategies of generating and sharing knowledge.
During the conference we were all challenged to think more creatively about ways to understand, explore and study the processes of social change that come …

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28.850 CLP eBook PDF
Search and research
Search and research

Descripción / Resumen (Inglés): The present volume represents a compilation of international teacher education practice and research with a focus on Teacher Education for Contemporary Contexts. It draws upon the diverse educational perspectives, teaching procedures, knowledge, and situated contexts where the discipline takes shape. 

The sections of this book comprise research papers accepted for presentation during the 18th International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) Biennial Conference that will take place from July 3rd to July 7th in Salamanca, Spain. Around 300 delegates from 57 countries across the globe and a large Scientific Committee of 80 colleagues have contributed academically and …

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Tea Party Resurgence
Tea Party Resurgence
Scott J. Schroeder

Tea Party Resurgence highlights the escalating problems associated with the growing U.S. federal debt and how it affects all Americans. The issues and recommendations discussed will appeal to all Americans concerned about the country we will be leaving our future generations and the burdens we are inflicting on them with our current reckless spending. At the core of the book, several principles are considered for inclusion into future Tea Party principles that will appeal to a greater number of Americans on both sides of the political spectrum. This is a hard-hitting indictment of establishment politicians on Capitol Hill, who refuse …

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6.614 CLP eBook EPUB
The secret sex of money
The secret sex of money
Clara Coria

Published by Pensodromo 21 -  Androgynous 21 Collection
The Secret Sex of Money throws the spotlight on female forms of dependence such as Money, Sex, Power and Subordination. As has always been the case, economic independence is no guarantee of a woman’s autonomy. This book offers a lucid analysis of money from the Western perspective of relationships between women and men in the context of a patriarchal culture; relationships that are sometimes governed by power and domination, even in the innermost recesses of our daily lives. Clara Coria denounces the discrimination that women face in their acquisition, management and production …

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3.150 CLP eBook EPUB
Wylde Wisdom
Wylde Wisdom
Diana M. Wylde
This book is for anybody and everybody. With simple, and sometimes amusing, anecdotes it illustrates issues that affect us all, helping us to avoid their traps by knowing they are there. It is not a book that claims to change your life, but if you take it to heart, it will change the way you experience life.
9.196 CLP eBook EPUB
Empiricism and analytical tools for 21 Century applied linguistics
Empiricism and analytical tools for 21 Century applied linguistics
The present volume follows an open-access publication policy, offering access to the multimedia files of the plenary lectures whose authors agreed to their publication and the Language Learning special roundtable, as well as a selection of the written versions of the papers presented at the 29th International Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA), 86 of which were accepted for publication after a double-blind selection process and are collected in this volume.
7.440 CLP eBook PDF
Brazilian Subjectivity Today
Brazilian Subjectivity Today

The emerging field of psychosocial studies signifies a confluence of

disciplines for whom the fantasies, repressions and cultural practices

underlying national identity represents a crucial research focus. This book

presents a psychosocial portrayal of Brazil's arrival on the international

stage in the economic boom of the run-up to its hosting of the 2014 World Cup

and the 2016 Olympic Games. This former Portuguese colony is a country of

contradictions in need of a new image; a nation that needs to be able to both

love and sell itself in today's neo-liberal reality. It argues that a

contemporary representation of Brazilian subjectivity is best enabled through

an interdisciplinary perspective. Five …

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2.475 CLP eBook EPUB
Media Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue
Media Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue
Gabinete de Comunicación y Educación UAB

Este libro reúne las comunicaciones del Congreso MILID Week 2012 celebrado en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona del 22 al 25 de mayo de 2012. El libro contiene los textos debatidos en conferencias, seminarios y debates celebrados durante la MILID Week 2012 y 2013. Cada texto trata sobre media literacy, sus estrategias, debates y buenas prácticas. MILID Week está promovida por UNITWIN Cooperation Programme on Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue (UNESCO-United Nations Alliance of Civilizations). El programa está desarrollado por ocho universidades de todos los continentes, y organizado por el Gabinete de Comunicación y Educación de la Universidad …

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8.641 CLP eBook PDF
Underwater Archeology
Underwater Archeology
Fundación Cultural Armella Spitalier

The attraction that men have had for water bodies along history offers us today the chance to discover a wonderful world of submerged cultural and historical remains. Underwater archeology implies a series of challenges and risks that turn underwater exploration into a fascinating professional exercise, a rediscovery exploit and a natural preservation lesson that comes from a historical past that we thought had been forever lost.

7.322 CLP eBook EPUB
Friend to Mankind Marsilio Ficino 1433-1499
Friend to Mankind Marsilio Ficino 1433-1499
Marsilio Ficino
Eighteen essays re-examine Marsilio Ficino’s life and work focusing on three essential aspects: his significance in his own times, his spreading influence throughout Europe and over subsequent centuries in many areas of thought and creativity, and his enduring relevance today. Ficino was one of the most influential humanist philosophers of the early Italian Renaissance period. Translation of his major works from Latin enables a new generation to rediscover and share Ficino’s vision of human potential.
9.188 CLP eBook EPUB
Elementos 1 a 12 de un total de 34
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